Life+Style: He spoke after his ex-wife Ralf Schumacher’s coming out

Life+Style: Spoken after the coming out of his ex-wife Ralf Schumacher |

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August 2024. 17. 21:02 August 2024. 17. 21:02 Life+Style

Cora Brinkmann feels the former racing driver took advantage of her during their marriage.

In mid-July, she showed off her new partner, a man, Ralf Schumacher, the younger brother of former Formula 1 driver Michael Schumacher. “The best thing in life is having the right partner by your side to share everything with,” she captioned a photo of them together on social media.

Ralf Schumacher was married to Cora Brinkman between 2001 and 2015, they have one child together, David.

Cora most a The Mirrorneck she made a statement about her ex-husband’s coming out and said: she feels used. She claims that she also only found out about her ex-husband being gay from the post.

“I wish Ralf had involved me or at least informed me of his decision, it would have been a sign of respect. During his racing career, there were many rumors in the paddock. I asked him to clarify whether what they were saying was true, but he always denied it, saying that I was just imagining things and that maybe I needed the help of a psychologist,” he explained.

“It was like a stab in the heart,” she said of the moment she found out her ex was sharing her life with the man. – “Coming out always affects your environment, for example your ex-wife, with whom you have a child. I feel he has taken advantage of us throughout our marriage. I feel like I wasted my best years. I ask myself many questions: was he honest with me? And another, even more important thing is on my mind: did he love me? I trusted him blindly, his word was like the law to me.”

According to a mutual friend, Ralf Schumacher and his partner, Etienne, have been together for two years.

The former contestant’s son David stood by his father when he came out as gay.

Ralf Schumacher’s coming out sends a message: others don’t have to hide either

For most of its more than seventy-year history, Formula 1 has squeezed its drivers into a rather narrow heterosexual stereotype, from which it seemed for a long time that there was no way out. Ralf Schumacher has now shown another path – one that no active racer has yet dared to take. His coming out is also a sign that Formula 1 is going through a quiet transformation.

(via Mark)

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