Life+Style: Dénes Száraz works as a full-time swimming instructor

Life+Style: He has run out of roles, he works full-time as a swimming instructor Dénes Száraz |

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September 2024. 19. 12:42 September 2024. 19. 12:59 Life+Style cinema – film – series +

No matter how hard the actor tried, he was unable to provide financial security for his family as a freelancer.

He didn’t get enough work as an actor, so Dénes Száraz has been working as a swimming instructor for months.

The previously a For better or for worse playing in the series, then in addition to commercials, among others, Mintaapákstriking in, a Loop and in the film, the main actor hasn’t been called enough either from the theaters or for shootings for some time, so he looked for other work to ensure his family’s livelihood. At the suggestion of a friend, she applied to the Dagály spa, where she has been working since the beginning of July.

“I waited until the summer to see if there would be outdoor performances or some kind of filming, but it didn’t happen, so I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to help myself, and that’s how I knew it,” said a Glanceto Dry, who took up swimming after completing the necessary training.

He’s still on probation, but he feels like he’s getting the hang of it. “Currently, this is my full-time job, I work 21 days a month, I’m on duty from 6 a.m.,” he explained to the newspaper. He also talked about how he likes being outdoors all day, and his colleagues are kind and helpful. “Since I do triathlons, it’s a plus that I can swim for free whenever I want,” he added.

It happens that he is recognized by the bathers, in which case he is happy to talk to them about his roles and his work. However, he hopes that this is just a temporary period in his life and he can be a full-time actor again. At the moment, he knows of only one certain acting job, he got a role in one of the Veres1 Theater productions, but the rehearsals will not start until next February.

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