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PT, the true face of a franchise

The statement by the Secretary of Government, Guillermo Olivares Reyna, when pointing out that the Labor Party became a political franchise, which “someone” is taking advantage of (read Gerardo Sosa Castelán and his University Group), was necessary for a long time, because The PT has become the main adversary of Morena’s candidates, the same to the municipal presidencies, local and federal councils, and of course to the Senate of the Republic. And they knew that: the University Group was not going to invest to create a political institute, to simply accompany the supposed alliance they formed with the presidential party and the Ecologist Green.

What’s more, if it had been up to them, Julio Menchaca Salazar would never have reached the governorship of Hidalgo, which they were sure would go to their maximum leader, not that of the PT, which in this case does not matter, but of the University Group, Gerardo Sosa. Castelan.

Nothing stops a very powerful enclave of power in Hidalgo lands, and even though its top leader, it is assumed, is in house arrest, it is evident that he is fighting with everything to take control in the Congress of Hidalgo, following the doors were closed to him to the PT, to form an alliance with the Morenistas, who preferred to go with Nueva Alianza.

The aforementioned group urges to prevent Menchaca Salazar’s government from having an absolute and qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies, because it would be the beginning of the end of his reign in the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, where, with an Organic Law as a model, They “legally” took over everything, absolutely everything that is the Maximum House of Studies of the entity, and this includes budget, facilities, patents, even researchers and academic staff. Everything is theirs, and the University Board of Trustees is above the University Council and any other body that might overshadow them.

That is why the launch of a campaign, with comments “in the national media” that call on the governor to “calm down”, without any knowledge of the chiefdom that the UAEH has suffered for more than 35 years, a time in which it does not move Not a single page, without the approval of Sosa Castelán.

If they lose the majority in the local Congress, that grim story would be regarding to come to an end. And that’s why the new attack, through his franchise, his property, the PT.

2024-04-14 00:08:35



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