Life Sentence Upheld for Thola Durán in Viedma Silvia Colque Femicide Case


The Supreme Court ⁣ has dismissed Marcos Thola Durán’s appeal, resulting in a⁢ life sentence for ⁤the murder​ of Silvia‌ Vázquez Colque. This case has been‌ resolved similarly to several others within the ​Rio Negro judicial branch, including rulings from the ⁣Superior Court of Justice.

The primary legal challenge in this case was the absence⁢ of the victim’s body. The court clarified ​that ⁢“special appeals arising from the rejection of the complaint are inadmissible (Article 280 of the State Code of Civil and Commercial Procedure).”

The conviction detailed that Thola Durán committed the murder between⁣ 10 PM on June 4, 2017, and 9 AM on June 5, 2017, ‍in a location‍ within the ‍city of Viedma, ⁤where‌ he killed ⁣his ex-partner, Silvia Vázquez Colque, and subsequently ​concealed her ⁤body‌ to obstruct discovery.

According to the ⁣first-instance judgment,​ “it⁤ is illogical that Sylvia chose⁢ to end the separation when her mother temporarily ⁣visited the city where she and her family lived.”

The court noted‌ that the lack of the⁣ victim’s body hindered ⁢the ability ⁣to gather conclusive‌ evidence ⁢regarding the circumstances‍ of her death. The delay between Silvia’s ‌disappearance and the filing of the missing person report allowed for the potential destruction of evidence.

The trial court ⁣emphasized that the nature of the crimes was inhumane and cruel, highlighting the personal relationship between⁤ the victim and‌ the perpetrator. The​ court remarked on the significant emotional harm inflicted not only ​on the victim but also on ⁤her descendants, who‌ suffered from the absence ​of closure due to the missing body.

Rio Negro‍ State ‌STJ Decision in the Case of Silvia ‍Colque

In 2021, the High Court rejected Tora Duran’s⁣ defense complaint, upholding‍ the Court ​of Appeal’s decision‍ which affirmed ‌the life sentence for aggravated homicide linked to ⁢gender-based violence.

The‍ STJ concluded that the defense’s arguments lacked merit, stating that the Court of Appeal’s comprehensive review‌ addressed both factual and procedural legal issues, thereby reinforcing the‍ Trial Court’s decision.

the STJ indicated that the defense failed to establish a ⁣significant federal ⁤issue, which warranted intervention by the nation’s ⁢highest court.



case revolved around the admissibility of certain evidence and whether the due process was upheld during the initial trial. The defense argued that key testimonies were overlooked, which could have potentially influenced the jury's decision. However, the Supreme Court found that the lower courts had acted within the bounds of the law and that the evidence presented was sufficient to uphold the conviction.

Additionally, the Supreme Court's ruling signals a commitment to ensuring that justice is served in cases of violent crime, particularly those involving gender-based violence. This case highlights ongoing issues within the judicial system related to the treatment of such crimes and the rights of victims.

As a result of the Supreme Court's decision, the legal precedent established may impact future cases within the jurisdiction, stressing the importance of comprehensive and fair trials to maintain public trust in the judicial process.



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