Life sentence to be requested for Venezuelan accused of femicide in Peru

The Minister of Women and Vulnerable Populations of Peru, Teresa Hernandezannounced this Sunday that will ask the Prosecutor’s Office to raise its request for 30 years in prison to life imprisonment for Venezuelan Sergio Tarache, accused of aggravated femicide for dousing his ex-partner with gasoline and setting fire to her in 2023.

«The prosecution has requested 30 years in prison and we believe that this sentence is not in accordance with the crime., afHernández signed on the Open Dialogue program on National Radio.

This Saturday, the Public Ministry requested 30 years, 6 months and 20 days in prison against Tarache for the murder of his ex-partner Katherine Gómez Macharewho was doused with gasoline and set on fire on March 18 in the historic center of Lima and died after a week in hospital due to the severity of her burns.

The minister expressed her disagreement with this sentence requested against Tarache, who He was extradited from Colombia in Januarywhere he escaped after committing the crime in March 2023.

The minister was also emphatic in expressing her sector’s position, noting that a 30-year sentence is not in line with the “savagery” with which Tarache acted.

She therefore assured that her team, lawyers from the Women’s Emergency Centers (CEM), will coordinate with the Prosecutor’s Office to ensure that life imprisonment is considered the appropriate sentence in this case.

The Second Permanent Collegiate Criminal Court of Lima scheduled the start of the oral trial of this case for September 3.

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#Life #sentence #requested #Venezuelan #accused #femicide #Peru
2024-08-27 15:18:07



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