Life on the moon can not be so easy because

Life on the moon can not so easily because of what? How is the surface of the moon? Living on the surface of the moon has become a dream of many major countries, and that is what NASA seeks specifically and has conducted hundreds of researches related to the soil and the basic materials that make up the moon until I concluded that life on it will be very difficult because of many things that We will explain it below.

Life on the moon can not be so easy because

Life on the moon can not be so easy because

Because the surface of the moon does not have an atmosphere and there is no atmospheric pressure and therefore there is no air that different living organisms can breathe on it, whether it is humans, animals or plants. There are those who assert that it is caused by meteorites.

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How is the surface of the moon?

The surface of the moon consists of two areas, one of which is luminous, and is represented by the elements that enter into the formation of the earth’s crust, and the rest is a dark area consisting of lava that was formed thousands of years ago.

Among the most famous types are basalt and anthosite, which contains a high percentage of iron, and the element titanium, and the surface of the moon includes a soft part that is very similar to the ground soil, in addition to the presence of plains and highlands.

The nature of life on the moon

Scientists have recently discovered that there is a large amount of water on the surface of the moon, which made them believe that life on the moon may be possible in the future. Water can be used for drinking or as fuel for space rockets by combining it with both oxygen and hydrogen.

Despite a lot of research conducted on the surface of the moon in recent times, it is not possible to be certain that life will actually be possible.

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General information about the moon

In light of the identification of the answer to a question, it is not possible to live on the surface of the moon easily because of what? We must be aware of some basic information about the moon, so we will explain it in the following table:

arrange it

The fifth largest natural satellite in the solar system.

Rotational Speed

4.627 meters/sec.

the size

2.1958 x 1010 km3, which is a quarter of the Earth’s size.


7.3477 x 1022 kg.

cost of living on it

325 thousand and 67 US dollars per month.

Flight duration

17 days in a row.

far from earth

The average distance of the Moon’s orbit around the Earth is about 383 thousand and 400 kilometers.

Length of the day

The length of a year is equal to 27 days on the surface of the earth.


It fluctuates between -137 to 127 degrees Celsius.

composition time

4.5 billion years ago or more.

reason of calling

Because people did not know a moon except that the rest of the moons were discovered in 1610

the owner of the moon

Although the Americans put flags on it, it is neither theirs nor the property of any country under international law.

components of the moon

An iron core that fluctuates between 1,327 and 1,427 degrees Celsius, the core, the crust, and the mantle.

The moon is one of the components of the solar system that has a role in the occurrence of many natural phenomena on the planet, including the coming of night, and the occurrence of both the tidal process.

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