life is not a commodity of exchange – Time

With 84 yes, 58 no and no abstentions, the amendment to the law on surrogacy becomes law. The bill, definitively approved by the Senate, introduces a ban on the practice of surrogacy not only in Italy, where it is illegal, but also abroad, in countries where the practice is legitimate. The law modifies article 12 of law 40 of 19 February 2004 which, in paragraph 6, provides: “Whoever, in any form, carries out, organizes or advertises the marketing of gametes or embryos or maternity surrogacy is punished with imprisonment from three months to two years and a fine from 600,000 to one million euros”. A paragraph is added to this provision according to which “if the facts referred to in the previous period, with reference to maternity surrogacy, are committed abroad, the Italian citizen is punished according to Italian law”.

“Today’s vote, which finally makes the ban on rented wombs effective and effective for Italian citizens, places us at the forefront among nations on the rights front”, declares Eugenia Roccella, Minister for Family, Birth and Equal Opportunities. “People are not objects – he continues -, children cannot be bought, and parts of the human body cannot be sold or rented. It is a criterion of respect and civility, which Italian law has always followed, and which we want to continue to follow “.

The ban on gpa abroad also provokes protests from the opposition. “From today, gestation for others is a ‘universal crime’. The Varchi law is, by admission of its author, Honorable of Fdi, the first in Italian history written against LGBTQIA+ people and the families they form, despite having recourse to the GPA they are above all heterosexual couples. From today the parents who become such thanks to this practice are ‘criminals’ and their daughters and sons ‘fruits of crime’ even if the practice has been carried out in countries where it is legal and regulated something to boast about, for this ultra-right, who, as is evident, care nothing about boys and girls, blinded as they are by their ideological fury against rainbow families which would be a threat to the so-called traditional family”, attacks Laura Boldrini , member of the Democratic Party and President of the Permanent Committee of the Chamber on Human Rights in the World.

For the government, however, the provision precisely counteracts the commodification of the female body and of children: “With today’s definitive approval in the Senate, the bill that makes renting a womb a universal crime is finally law. A common sense rule against the commodification of the female body and of children. Human life has no price and is not a bargaining chip”, commented Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on X.

#life #commodity #exchange #Time



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