These days, more and more people are turning to life insurance. It is therefore necessary to inform regarding the importance of the annual statement.

An increasingly popular option.

For some time now, we have been more open to ways of preparing for retirement. We are also more and more seduced by savings. Thus, many turn to a life insurance policy. Besides, statistics in 2022 support this claim.

Indeed, towards the end of last year, households have invested 1,842 billion euros in this contract. But it is clear that many people do not yet know the crucial points of this contract. However, they are mentioned in the annual statement. Indeed, this document helps us to understand and follow the evolution of our contract.

What should you check on your annual statement?

First of all, it is crucial to remember that life insurance is not devoid of costs. Therefore, each time you receive your annual statement, it is important to check the management fees. The rate of the latter is between 0.60 and 1% for funds in euros and charges levied on unit-linked accounts..

Then, apart from the management fee, you have to check the performance of the units of account. Not being guaranteed in capital, the latter involve a share of risk. However, the annual life insurance statement allows us to assess the evolution of these investment vehicles from one year to the next. This leads us to conclude whether or not our units of account have a better performance.

Other things to understand regarding life insurance.

Since the adoption of the Pacte Law, life insurance has included very valuable information. For example, it takes into account the returns provided by contracts belonging to the same category, marketed by the same insurer. Thus, we can make the comparison between this insurance and the other contracts offered by the company.

Besides, if you feel seduced by another offer, you have the right to request the transfer to another contract. The only condition is the not very pronounced difference in management fees. Also, it is important to always carefully scrutinize your annual statement to keep up to date with any changes and information.