Life in Vorarlberg has become too expensive for many!

2023-10-07 11:40:06

Mario Leiter was elected as the new party leader of the SPÖ-Vorarlberg.

Bregenz (OTS) As a social politician who stands for clean and honest politics, the new chairman of the SPÖ-Vorarlberg presented himself at today’s extraordinary state party conference in the banquet hall of the Gösserbräu in Bregenz. With 88.69 percent, the Bludenz police commander was clearly chosen by the 169 delegates. The 58-year-old is taking over from Gabi Sprickler-Falschlunger, whom he warmly thanked for her work. Gabi Sprickler-Falschlunger was unanimously elected honorary chairwoman by the delegates. The federal party chairman Andreas Babler was also there to congratulate the new chairman.

Anti-inflation package: Free public transport for everyone under 25, starter apartments and free kindergarten

In his speech, Leiter made the fight once morest inflation the core point of his political vision for Vorarlberg: “Increasing prices are putting a strain on the citizens of Vorarlberg. A state government also has options to relieve the burden on people here. I am convinced: Üsr Ländle can do better!”

Mario Leiter also gave very personal insights at the party conference – such as his close connection to Bludenz and how his experiences, from his childhood in humble circumstances to his role as a police officer, have shaped his view of the importance of community and responsibility. “These values ​​guide my politics. I would like to bring these values ​​into government responsibility for the population,” said Leiter.

Specifically, the new state party chairman calls for the Vorarlberg population to be relieved of the wave of inflation and presented anti-inflation measures. The use of public transport should be free for everyone under 25. A step that is particularly beneficial for young people. In addition, in view of the rising housing costs, starter apartments for 18 to 25 year olds are to be built in order to create more affordable rental apartments for young people. Because nowhere in Austria is living as expensive as in Vorarlberg.

Following the example of the free kindergarten in the federal states led by the SPÖ, Leiter would also like to create an offer in Vorarlberg that supports families, especially single parents. With regard to kindergarten, Leiter noted that despite the Greens’ announcements, only a small number of children actually benefit from the current programs. “For us Social Democrats, all children are worth the same,” emphasized Leiter.

Sharp criticism of the federal government

“The black-green coalition has shown in the federal government how fatal a non-existent social policy is, and in Vorarlberg people also sense a cold policy that is blowing through the state government. Issues such as social housing and the public health system were badly neglected. Leiter calls for an offensive for more statutory health insurance doctors. Specifically, this is to be implemented through support through a scholarship for Vorarlberg students who commit to staying in the state and through optimization in hospitals.”

“For me, even worse than the black-green social policy is the hypocrisy of the Freedom Party. The saying “wolf in sheep’s clothing” has never been more appropriate than with the FPÖ. While the party is trying to position itself as a social party, I would like to remind you of what it actually implements in government responsibility. All I’m saying is: the introduction of the 60-hour week, the dismantling of the regional health insurance companies and the empty promise of billions for patients or the statement of an aloof social minister who said that you might live on 150 euros a month. When in opposition they always demand the opposite of what they then implement in government. “We must never forget that,” appealed to the delegates.

Clean politics is the least we owe the voters

“After all the scandals, from the wedges of the ÖVP business association to the KHBG scandal, I made it clear at my meeting with Governor Wallner that we would take a very close look at it. He has publicly announced that he will stop this. But now the ÖVP Economic Association is regarding to start once more. The Vorarlberg economy must be protected from the economic association system! And the other scandals also require full investigation and clean politics. In difficult times, this is the least we owe the voters. The scandals in the country must come to an end. This can only be achieved through a change in policy!”

Offer to all Vorarlbergers and all parties

“I’m running because I want to make things better for our country. We live in the most beautiful federal state in Austria with the highest quality of life. But I am of the opinion that Vorarlberg deserves better politics. And I make this offer to the population. Where we have responsibility, we will work for the country. Cooperation instead of confrontation and standstill, that is my offer to all parties and to the people of Vorarlberg,” said Leiter.

At the end of his speech, Leiter pointed out the strength and unity of social democracy and emphasized the strengths of his team – above all Manuela Auer (AK/ÖGB), Reinhold Einwallner (Member of the National Council), Martin Staudinger (Mayor Hard) and Elke Zimmermann (Member of the State Parliament). . The common goal is to build a strong social democracy in Vorarlberg in order to improve people’s lives.

Questions & Contact:

Martin Jandrisovits

#Life #Vorarlberg #expensive

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