Life Imprisonment and TAP Release: Prosecutors Demand Maximum Sentences for Salah Abdeslam, Mohamed Abrini, and Osama Krayem

2023-09-05 08:07:00

Before the Assize Court, the prosecutors also requested that the French accused be placed at the disposal of the court responsible for the execution of sentences for the maximum period, i.e. 15 years, and that he be stripped of his right to vote. (for municipal and European elections in Belgium). “You cannot grant any mitigating circumstances,” federal prosecutor Paule Somers told the jury and the court, describing a man who became so radicalized that he resumed his terrorist activity following the attacks. of Paris and that he decided to “continue his war” and kill innocent and unknown victims.

If the facts of March 22 might take place, it is thanks to the essential help that the accused brought to the group, repeated the prosecution, echoing his indictment of guilt.

Pronouncing a sentence once morest Salah Abdeslam is “essential” for the victims, insisted the prosecutor. This is indeed how they feel recognized as such, she added.

The accused never dissociated himself from his terrorist intentions, before or following the attacks, Paule Somers noted once more.

He did not address the slightest word to the victims, also deplored the representative of the federal prosecutor’s office.

Salah Abdeslam therefore deserves the strongest sanction and the prosecution asked to “grant” him life imprisonment, a release from the TAP for the maximum period of 15 years and a withdrawal of the right to vote (in municipal and European).

Life imprisonment required once morest Abrini, “the man with the hat”

The federal prosecutor’s office on Tuesday morning requested a life sentence accompanied by a 15-year release from the sentencing court (TAP) once morest Mohamed Abrini. The Belgian-Moroccan, found guilty of murder and attempted murder in the context of the trial of the attacks of March 22, 2016 in Brussels, must also be deprived of his civil rights and stripped of his Belgian nationality, claimed the prosecutor Bernard Michel . “What strikes me regarding Mohamed Abrini is his propensity to minimize his involvement in the facts,” explained the magistrate. “Yet his writings prove his radicalization. He speaks in particular of the other members of the cell as ‘very good people, very nice people’, he says he wants to accompany Najim Laachraoui in death.”

“While he had already seen the carnage caused by the attacks in Paris (of November 13, 2015, editor’s note), he disappeared into hiding and joined the Brussels cell to help make other bombs”, added Bernard Michel .

“Faced with such odious facts, only life imprisonment can be qualified as proportionate. (…) You should not cut down your sentence on the pretext that he was sentenced in Paris”, assured the magistrate. The latter also requested that Mohamed Abrini be made available to TAP for the maximum duration, i.e. 15 years. “His life so far has shown that he cannot be trusted,” he said.

Finally, the prosecutor demanded that Mohamed Abrini be deprived of his civil rights and stripped of his Belgian nationality. “It’s important in terms of symbol. The link between Belgian society and Mohamed Abrini has been broken and it’s only his doing. He betrayed his country”, justified Bernard Michel.

Osama Krayem faces life imprisonment and a 15-year TAP release

The federal prosecutor’s office on Tuesday morning requested life imprisonment as well as a release to the sentence enforcement court (TAP) for the maximum legally provided period, ie 15 years, once morest Osama Krayem. Before the Assize Court responsible for judging the attacks in Brussels on March 22, 2016, which left 35 dead, the prosecutors also asked that the Swede, who had given up on blowing himself up in the metro, be stripped of his right to vote in Belgium (in municipal and European elections). Since the beginning of the requisitions, the prosecution has systematically demanded life imprisonment and a release from the TAP for 15 years for the defendants found guilty of being co-authors of assassinations and attempted assassinations in a terrorist context.

#Trial #attacks #Brussels #life #imprisonment #Salah #Abdeslam #life #imprisonment #Abrini #years #Krayem



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