Liège Labor Court Ruling: Unauthorized Night Work, Overtime, and Unpaid Work in ‘Night and Day’ Group

2023-11-10 16:57:33

In a judgment of November 8, the Liège labor court recognized all the charges supported by the labor prosecutor against around twenty companies in the “Night and Day” group.

We are talking here about offenses which concern workers in the group in a period from July 2016 to September 2019. More precisely: unauthorized night work, overtime and unpaid work, undeclared training, and illicit provision of workers to other companies.

It was the labor prosecutor’s office, following a long administrative investigation, which brought the matter before the labor court more than a year ago. Six workers also intervened in the procedure.

#Unauthorized #night #work #nonpayment #remuneration #Night #Day #guilty #violations #social #legislation

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