Liège: he throws his pizzas at a bus driver and hits him several times

Rémi, a 50-year-old, was deprived of his liberty and brought to the Liège public prosecutor’s office this Saturday morning for assault and battery on a bus driver.

It was 6:30 p.m. Friday evening when the bus driver left his stop on Boulevard d’Avroy. Stopped at a red light, he opens the doors of the bus to let a commuter board. When the latter enters, the driver points out to him that the next time, he will have to get on at the stop and not at the red light. A remark that obviously went wrong with the commuter who sent the pizzas he was holding in the direction of the driver and hit him several times.

Rémi, the commuter, was arrested and deprived of his freedom. In confession, he acknowledges the facts but does not explain why he got carried away like this on the driver.

Unknown to justice, he will be subject to an accelerated procedure.

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