Lichun Decoction | Lichun health care needs to protect the liver. Want to know if there is a burst liver and you need to look at the palm of your hand?Chinese medicine teaches you soup/acupuncture points/liver nourishing time

Lichun Decoction | Lichun health care needs to protect the liver. Want to know if there is a burst liver and you need to look at the palm of your hand?Chinese medicine teaches you soup/acupuncture points/liver nourishing time

twenty-four solar termsmiddlebeginning of springIt is the first solar term of spring, and from winter to spring, health preservation methods such as health soup and acupuncture points are naturally different. Many people know that it is necessary to protect the liver in spring, but how to do it? This time, I will invite Li Yirong, a registered TCM physician, to explain it to us.

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Chinese and Western livers are very different, look at the liver with the palm of your hand

Beginning of spring is the first solar term in the twenty-four solar terms, which means that spring is coming, and the climate is starting to warm up a little, but the temperature between day and night is still alternating between cold and warm, so you should still pay attention to keeping warm. “In the four seasons, the organs that correspond to spring are the liver, so the health care method of the beginning of spring should pay more attention to the maintenance of the liver and protect the liver.” Dr. Li said, but it turns out that the liver in traditional Chinese medicine is not exactly the same as the liver in Western medicine.

Dr. Li said, “In TCM theory, the functions of the liver are mainly to disperse and store blood, as well as to flirt with emotions, which is different from the interpretation of the liver in Western medicine. There may be discomfort in the chest and flanks, dysmenorrhea, menstrual disorders, indigestion, emotional instability, etc.” When the function of storing blood in the liver is abnormal, it is easy to have a tendency to bleed, and women’s menstrual periods may be delayed and unclean, metrorrhagia, etc. Wait.

Wondering if your liver is doing well? Dr. Li said that there is a simple method, “According to the theory, if the liver blood is insufficient, the tendons or joints and muscles may have problems such as numbness or convulsions; if the liver blood is not full, the nails will easily break, the skin color will lose luster, and the skin will be drier; When the liver fire is strong and the liver is diseased, the eyes will turn yellow or red, and even the color of the palm will change or there will be spot lesions, etc. To judge whether your liver is well nourished, you can also see the slightest signs from the above parts.”

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According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, “the liver opens its orifices in the eyes, and in the body closes the tendons, and its beauty is in the claws.” Therefore, when there is a disease in the human liver, it may be reflected in the above parts. You can pay attention to whether there is any abnormality in the eyes and palms.

If you don’t want to burst your liver, you need to take a low-cost liver-protecting diet

Hong Kong people work long hours, and they often hear friends say that they can “explode the liver”, but what exactly does it mean? “The word “burst of the liver” is a slang term, which means staying overnight for a long time, unable to get a good rest following working overtime, or excessive drinking, drug abuse, etc. that overload the liver and affect the circulatory system. The liver seems to be ready to break down.” Dr. Li explained that the liver is not only one of the organs for detoxification, but also one of the organs that helps digestion and metabolism and blood supply. Once the liver has problems, it will cause many diseases. In addition to the difficulty in ingesting nutritious substances, it is even more difficult to metabolize wastes. , affecting hematopoietic and oxygen supply function, common modern diseases caused by jaundice, hepatitis, fatty liver and so on.

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Although the medical name of the disease does not have the term “explosive liver”, the analogy is acute liver failure, also known as explosive hepatitis.

“According to the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, each time period corresponds to different organs and meridians of the human body, and the liver and gallbladder are related to the outside and inside. From 11:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m., the meridians of the liver and gallbladder are more active, and during this time, you should sleep deeply It can help detoxify the liver and gallbladder, so as to nourish the blood and protect the liver.” She said, of course, if you want to protect the liver at the beginning of spring, you can’t do without healthy food. “The beginning of spring has a meaning of welcoming new people. In addition to taking more seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables, you can also eat more. Eat sweet-tasting foods and things that help yang qi rise, such as white radish, leeks, etc.”

(1) White radish: Lichun mostly meets festive festivals, and there are more time for dinner parties, so the spleen and stomach are prone to food stagnation, and white radish enters the lung and stomach meridians, which can help digestion and promote gastrointestinal motility, and can reduce phlegm , help and stomach stagnation. However, the taste is slightly cool, so people with spleen and stomach deficiency should pay attention to the dosage.

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Although white radish is good for digestion, don’t think that carrot cake has the same effect. The most effective method is simply boiled radish slices in water.

(2) Leek: It is pungent and warm in nature, which helps to promote the development of liver qi, and warms the yang to move qi, which is beneficial to the growth of yang. However, patients with skin diseases and those with yin deficiency and fire should pay attention to taking it.

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Stir-fried leeks are healthy and delicious!

In the beginning of spring, you should take less acidic foods, because the liver has the effect of generating yang qi and dredging, and the sour taste is mainly astringent, which is not conducive to the growth of yang and the evacuation of qi. In addition, you should also avoid indigestible and spicy products. And so on to prevent too much anger, affecting the liver dredging.

2 types of healthy soups that you must drink to supplement the beginning of spring

Winter is the yin of the yin, and it is intended to collect all things. And spring is the yang in the yin, which means the season of awakening of all things, and the season of scavenging the qi. “If you continue to practice the method of winter diet at this time, if you take too much tonic, the yang qi will be easily depressed and not released, which will affect the liver qi. Diseases occur due to the mechanism, and hepatitis is one of the common diseases in spring.” Dr. Li reminded.

Therefore, the spring diet should be sweet and sour, and light and moderate, and more sun exposure, try to relax and improve emotions and so on. Dr. Li also provided 2 healthy soups for everyone to enjoy in Lichun.

Lichun Health Soup

(1) Barley red bean five-fingered peach lean meat soup

Efficacy: invigorating the spleen and invigorating the water, nourishing the lung

Serving Size: 20 grams of Coix Seed, 30 grams of Chixiaodou, 30 grams of five-finger peach, 100 grams of lean meat


1. Boil boiling water, put the lean meat in the boiling water, blanch for one minute and set aside.

2. Rinse the coix seed, red bean and five-finger peach with water.

3. Put all the ingredients into a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, and cook for one hour to one and a half hours.

(2) Chayote, corn, carrot and carp soup

Efficacy: soothes the liver and regulates qi, invigorates the spleen and appetizers

Material: 2 chayote, 1 carp, 1 corn, 1 carrot


1. Peel the carrots and corn and cut into pieces, remove the head and tail of the chayote and cut into pieces, wash the carp and cut into pieces.

2. Put all the ingredients into a pot, add water and cook for one to one and a half hours.

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This soup is sweet and delicious, and requires few ingredients.

Lichun acupuncture points

Taichong: It belongs to the Liver Meridian and is the original point of the Liver Meridian, which can soothe the liver and regulate the liver. It is located in the depression before the union of the first and second metatarsal bones on the dorsum of the foot.

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In your spare time, you can press Taichong in a circular motion to help protect the liver.

Zhangmen: It belongs to the liver meridian, and is the raising point of the spleen meridian, which can soothe the liver and improve the gallbladder. .

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Li Yirong, a registered TCM practitioner of Tak Shan Tong, holds a Master of Chinese Medicine from the University of Hong Kong and a Bachelor of Chinese Medicine from Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine.

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