Libre’s lawyer asks the CSJ for speed to resolve amparo – Diario La Tribuna

Speed ​​to the Supreme Court of Justice, specifically to the Constitutional Chamber, to resolve the amparo that suspended the decision of two of the three advisers of the National Electoral Council (CNE) to annul the municipal elections in Wampusirpi and Duyure, Mario requested yesterday Ruiz, member of the transition commission of the new government.

“What we want is speed, the Constitution of the Republic and the pertinent codes indicate that there has to be speed in any process whatsoever and this is not one less that can stay in that sense.”

“It is a constitutional right that every Honduran has, the opposing party promoted the same, which was admitted and was partially resolved with suspension of the act claimed and because it looks so fast that the Constitutional Chamber, the same day admitted it, published and notified; therefore, it looks suspicious, “he explained.

He believed that the National Electoral Council (CNE) saw fit to repeat the elections in the municipality of Wampusirpi, because the population is dissatisfied.

“The mayor’s office was lost by 59 votes but it was due to improper transfers from Olancho, El Paraíso, even Santa Bárbara and Atlántida,” he explained.

The CNE ordered that the election be repeated in the Voting Receiving Board, number 12219 at the elective level of the Municipal Corporation of the Marco Aurelio Soto School Voting Center of the Krausirpi village in the municipality of Wampusirpi in the department of Gracias a Dios. (XM)

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