Libertarian intern: Maslatón accused Milei of “politics jet and swindler”

The internal fights are not only going through a peak moment in the ruling party and in the opposition headed by Together for Change. It is that the libertarian sector framed in Freedom Advances is also agitated by the confrontation between the economist Carlos Maslatón y Javier Mileywho does not want there to be a STEP in space this year.

But this Monday the tension rose again with a tweet published by the financial analyst in which he again targeted Milei, whom he accused of being a “jet and swindler of politics”.

“Group of miserables”: Milei’s relationship with Together for Change became toxic and Carlos Maslatón celebrates it

Later, Maslaton sought to shoot down an accusation by Milei against him. “Your accusation of my business with Sombrilla Larreta (just me, misplaced), the only thing that covers up are your transactions with the PRO and JxC, your idols,” he said in relation to the Buenos Aires head of government, Horacio Rodriguez Larreta.

The message from the economist and bitcoin specialist came after a harsh letter published a few days ago in which he spoke of a “proscription” within La Libertad Avanza due to the decision of Milei and her sister Karina not to enable the Primaries in space. As he said, Maslatón’s intention was to compete with the right-wing referent for which sectors of radicalism in Together for Change are now clamoring.

“You negotiated with all of them, you and Benegas Lynch. With Macri you suffer awe“, concluded the economist in the message published this Monday, January 30 at noon on Twitter.

Gustavo Posse also seeks an agreement with Milei: “The province does not have a second ballot and you have to win”

A few days ago, Karina Milei flatly ruled out the possibility that Maslatón is part of an inmate within the libertarian space. “Let him compete for his”, she had responded to a query from the portal Short. “In no way do we accept Maslaton. He is a profound critic of the armed forces, so it is not consistent for him to participate in it. Let him make his own build and compete nationally for his,” he added.}

Milei’s accusation against Maslaton

If something characterizes Maslatón, it is that he maintains the discussion with his internal rival in the open. In a political arena accustomed to off the récordthis economist He has no problem with political discussion being public.

Regarding this, Maslatón mentioned this Monday a accusation that had come from Milei. As he explained in a message published after midnight this Monday, it was an alleged meeting with the Buenos Aires head of government that the libertarian reference would have foisted on him.

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“So accusing me of meeting Larreta at Pizza Cero, Milei? And for money?”Maslaton wondered.

Carlos Maslatón crossed Karina Milei

And in that same message he questioned it in harsh terms. “You have become a slanderous liar, but worst of all, You abandoned all principles and you collect from the whole world“, he claimed.

And accused: “You are not a politician, you are a jet of politics Milei.”

Maslatón rejects an agreement with Together for Change

Days ago, Maslatón stated that libertarians must have “total intransigence” and there must be “no arrangement with Juntos por el Cambio in any district.”

Martin Tetaz
Martín Tetaz wants Milei in JvC.

“The objective of this 2023 is to prevent the return to power of those who destroyed Argentina between 2015 and 2019Maslaton said.

In recent days, radicalism has entered an internal phase as a result of the invitation that the national deputy Martín Tetaz made to Milei to join the Together for Change. “If we do not agree with Milei, we are going to be as functional to Kirchnerism as he is,” said the economist days ago in Clarion.

This request was joined this Monday by the mayor of San Isidro, Gustavo Possewhich in statements to Modo Fontevecchia (Radio Profile 101.9). “The province does not have a ballot and you have to win”said.

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