Li Yonghao married Taiwanese girlfriend Li Jiading and gave birth to a new granddaughter

Li Yonghao married Taiwanese girlfriend Li Jiading and gave birth to a new granddaughter

Li Jiading’s young boy, Li Yonghao (Haozai), registered his marriage with his Taiwanese girlfriend Agnes Lin (Agnes), who had been in love for more than two years. The marriage was held at his father’s private restaurant. Witnessed by relatives, friends and lawyers, the oath was read, the rings were exchanged, and they became husband and wife. Ding Ye is full of praise for Xin, a group of “Love. Going Home” actors Tang Yingying, Yao Yingying, Xu Rong, Lu Huiyi, Shan Liwen, Zheng Shihao, etc. came to the scene to send their blessings and told Haozi to rest assured to give birth to a few more children. When they saw “Ding Sun”, they immediately shouted: “Juqu, Juqu!”

Agnes praised Hao Zai as a 100-point good husband. He felt that her husband was sincere and down-to-earth, worked hard, and had a sense of responsibility for the family, which made his wife Agnes feel very at ease, and Hao Zai liked his wife’s straightforward personality and diligence, and learned a lot of life from his wife Regarding the details above, Hao Zai said with a smile: “I will take good care of him for the rest of my life, and treat him with all my heart. In the first place, I was more attentive than him, and no matter how well he took care of him, he gave me 200 points, I really appreciate him. We are concerned, for example, before I finish work or start work, he will cook my food and arrange it according to the family’s menu, so that I eat well and healthy.” Haozi said that he is currently working hard to create people and hopes to have two children.


Li Yonghao (second from left), a big boy, finally got a wife.


“Love. Come home” cast members bask in their feet together to congratulate them!




The old man said wait and hold the grandson!

Hao Zai pointed out that Ding Ye and Xin Bao Agnes have always been very happy to get along, and Xin Bao is very gentle. Xin Bao feels that he is a kind father. After listening to it, Ding Ye said when he was interviewed that he was waiting for the big day for more than 20 years. Ding Ye smiled and said, “I hope that this boy will soon be hugged by me as a whole grandson, and I can’t divide my daughters because of my own birth, especially I’m partial, I like women more than boys.”

Speaking of Qu Chengri singing Taiwanese songs, Ding Ye explained: “Qu is a native of Kaohsiung. I used to develop in Taiwan for a while and knew Taiwanese, so I taught him to speak Taiwanese: “Miss, I love you. No one knows, do you know?” He even praised Agnes for keeping the head home clean, probably because Agnes is a pet groomer and has a habit of cleanliness, Ding Ye is very satisfied with this new man.



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