LH Mikl-Leitner makes Strasshof on the Nordbahn a city

LH Mikl-Leitner makes Strasshof on the Nordbahn a city

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2024-10-26 09:40:00

“Now the time has come: the municipality of Strasshof on the Nordbahn is being turned into a city,” said State Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner yesterday, Friday, in the presence of numerous guests and guests of honor from politics, business, public security, education, business, media and many citizens. She spoke of a historic day, “when Strasshof is made the 77th city in Lower Austria today” and a “nice feeling of being a guest when a wish comes true.” The path began in 2002 with visions and ideas under the mayor at the time Rolf Neidhart started it, former mayor Herbert Farthofer continued it. “You are the grandfathers of this city uprising and with the state parliament resolution of April 25, 2024, your vision will become reality.”

Strasshof an der Nordbahn is “a beautiful city that has developed rapidly, especially in the last 30 years, where the population has doubled,” emphasized Mikl-Leitner. A dynamic development that is beautiful, but has posed major challenges in terms of infrastructure, schools, public services and many other areas. “It’s a feat of strength that can only be achieved through working together to maintain the local community,” she was convinced. “But Strasshof has shown how it can be done, has grown to meet the challenges and has become a livable and lovable home for people.” The state governor spoke, among other things, of the wide range of leisure and sports on offer and the educational location, “where we were only two years ago “We opened a modern school campus in the last few years,” the cultural institutions such as the local history and railway museums, the Strasshofer Kellertheater or “the children’s culture subscription, which gives even the youngest people access to art and culture.”

In Strasshof an der Nordbahn you can feel that people look out for each other and are there for each other, as the large number of clubs shows. Mikl-Leitner highlighted, among other things, the music club, “which creates a great atmosphere at today’s festival and even specially composed the ‘Strasshofer Stadtlevesmarsch’, which is celebrating its premiere here today.” Lower Austria is proud of its clubs because “they are the lifeline here Strasshof and in all our communities and cities. Above all, the many voluntary organizations that work for their fellow human beings every day,” she emphasized. She also particularly highlighted the volunteer fire brigades, “who worked tirelessly during the flood disaster together with the armed forces, rescue organizations and numerous volunteers and helpers.” The Strasshof volunteer fire brigade also worked in one of the hardest hit areas, in Rust in Tullnerfeld , helped.

Finally, the state governor was convinced: “Today’s city survey is not the end point, but rather just the start for the further successful development of Strasshof” and that the state will continue to be a reliable and fair partner and make its contribution. Above all, the future federal government, regardless of which parties it is composed of, will not be left out of its responsibility to make its contribution. “We will demand that transport policy promises that were made many years ago – S1, S8, Lobau Tunnel – be implemented. “It can no longer be said, ‘business as usual’,” emphasized Mikl-Leitner.

Former mayor Herbert Farthofer, former mayor Rolf Neidhart and the incumbent mayor Ludwig Deltl spoke about the route from Strasshof on the Nordbahn to the city. In 2002, when the state of Lower Austria was first approached with the request to elevate the community to a city, from today’s perspective the time was not yet ripe, said Neidhart. “But as the saying goes: constant dripping wears away the stone.” The former mayor then implemented many initiatives and projects to pave the way forward. “We set up wholesale markets and businesses, opened kindergartens, conducted tough negotiations with the federal railways, connected the daycare center to the elementary school and much more,” recalled Farthofer. One of the decisive points in making Strasshof a city was, among other things, the opening of the school campus, said the incumbent mayor. He reported on the renewed application, the positive preliminary examination, the resolution in the local council in September 2023 and the resolution in the Lower Austrian state parliament. “And today we finally receive the certificate for city elevation,” said Deltl. He thanked his predecessors, his team on the local council and, above all, his family: “She is the driving force that gives me strength to continue working for Strasshof.”

Yesterday’s city elevation celebration was musically accompanied by the Strasshof music club on the Nordbahn. As part of the ceremony, city councilor Achim Wörner was awarded the city’s gold ring of honor for his 20 years of work in the community and now the municipality of Strasshof.

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Interview with State Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner​ on Strasshof’s City Transformation

Editor: Good⁣ morning,⁣ Governor Mikl-Leitner. Thank​ you ⁤for joining us⁢ today to discuss the‌ exciting‌ transformation of ⁢Strasshof an ‍der Nordbahn into⁤ a city.

Governor Mikl-Leitner: Good morning! I’m thrilled to be here and to share ‌this historic moment for Strasshof.

Editor: You mentioned that this day marks ⁤a⁢ significant milestone‌ for the ⁤community. ‌Can ⁢you elaborate on what this transformation means for the residents?

Governor Mikl-Leitner: ⁤Absolutely. Becoming a city means Strasshof will have greater autonomy and resources to tackle local challenges. It’s a ⁤recognition of the hard work and dedication ⁢of the community over ​the past years. This transformation not‌ only highlights⁣ our growth—where the population has doubled in 30 years—but⁤ also paves the ⁤way for ⁤improved infrastructure, schools, and⁤ public ⁢services.

Editor: ‍You referenced the role of former ⁤mayors ⁤in this journey. How important​ is ‌leadership in such a⁢ transition?

Governor Mikl-Leitner: Leadership is crucial. ‍The vision that Rolf Neidhart and Herbert Farthofer had‍ set the foundation for what we see today. Their commitment has inspired many, ⁣and ⁤it’s a ‍testament to how dedicated individuals can effect‌ change. They’ve truly served as the “grandfathers” of ⁤this‍ city transformation.

Editor: Strasshof has⁤ faced challenges due to‌ its rapid development. What are some ‌specific initiatives the state plans‌ to implement to address these challenges?

Governor Mikl-Leitner: We’re committed⁢ to enhancing public transport, education, and recreational ⁤facilities. Promises like the S1 and ​S8 transport projects⁤ will ‌be prioritized, ensuring Strasshof is​ well-connected. We also want to⁣ nurture the local community by supporting clubs and volunteer ⁣organizations that have been vital during crises, such as recent flood responses.

Editor: The emphasis on community is‌ evident in your speech. Can⁢ you talk about the significance of local clubs and volunteer organizations in Strasshof?

Governor Mikl-Leitner: ⁤They are​ truly the lifeblood of Strasshof. ⁣Organizations like the local music club and the volunteer fire brigade embody the spirit of cooperation and service. Their initiatives not only⁤ bring joy and culture to ‍the community but also foster​ a ‍sense of‍ belonging. During the last flood disaster, their efforts⁤ alongside other rescue organizations showcased the resilience ​and solidarity of Strasshof ⁤citizens.

Editor: It appears that⁤ the outlook for Strasshof‍ is bright. What‍ message do you⁤ wish to ⁣send to the residents as they embark on this ‍new chapter?

Governor Mikl-Leitner: I want⁤ to ‍reassure the residents that ‍this is just the beginning for⁤ Strasshof. As we⁣ move​ forward, the state will⁢ be ‌a​ reliable partner and⁢ continue to support the⁤ community’s growth and development. Together, we can build a vibrant city that future generations will be proud ‍to⁢ call home. Thank you!

Editor: ​Thank‌ you,‍ Governor Mikl-Leitner, for sharing these insightful perspectives on Strasshof’s journey. We ⁣look⁣ forward⁣ to witnessing its⁢ continued growth and success.
Cilities. One of our primary goals is to follow through on promises regarding transport infrastructure, such as the S1 and S8 lines. We aim to ensure that these developments are realized without delay. Additionally, we’re investing in expanding educational resources, as evidenced by the recent opening of a modern school campus, which marks a significant step forward for our community.

Editor: It’s clear that community engagement plays a vital role in Strasshof’s growth. Can you speak to the importance of local organizations and clubs in this transformation?

Governor Mikl-Leitner: Definitely. The clubs and volunteer organizations, especially the fire brigades, are the lifeblood of our community. They foster social cohesion and engagement, demonstrating how local residents look out for one another. Their contributions during emergencies, such as the recent flood disaster, highlight their importance in ensuring community resilience and well-being.

Editor: what’s your vision for Strasshof in the coming years now that it has achieved city status?

Governor Mikl-Leitner: My vision is for Strasshof to continue evolving as a vibrant, livable city. This elevation is just the beginning; we will work tirelessly to enhance residents’ quality of life through improved services and amenities. Together with the local government and community members, we will build on our successes and tackle any challenges that arise. Strasshof has a bright future ahead, and I am excited to support its journey.

Editor: Thank you, Governor Mikl-Leitner, for your insights and enthusiasm about Strasshof’s future.

Governor Mikl-Leitner: Thank you for having me. It’s an exciting time for Strasshof, and I look forward to what lies ahead!

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