LH Mattle: “Tyrol maintains dialogue with all religious communities and strengthens social peace”

Before Christmas, the governor invited religious representatives to the country house

  • The focus is on peaceful coexistence and exchange
  • Thanks to churches and religious communities for their social commitment and cohesion

Around 30 representatives of 14 state-recognized churches and religious communities as well as state-registered religious denominations in Tyrol accepted the invitation LH Anton Mattle to the Landhaus and met today, Thursday, for a joint pre-Christmas exchange on current topics.

In view of the numerous crises, the talks focused on the importance of social peace and good coexistence in Tyrol – a great asset to which the religious communities make a significant contribution. “The armed conflicts in Ukraine remind us that peace in Europe cannot be taken for granted. Hate, resentment and distrust can have devastating consequences. Togetherness and cohesion begin with small things – that is our common message. Mutual respect and recognition as well as mutual understanding and trust are the kit that holds our society together, strengthens it and makes it crisis-proof. Together with the religious communities, we are working to secure social peace in our country and to set an example of togetherness beyond the borders of Tyrol.” LH Mattle convinced. Before Christmas, the state of Tyrol and the religious communities are calling for people to stick together even in the current difficult times: “Peaceful coexistence begins with small gestures in everyday life: helping those who cannot help themselves, giving older people a seat on public transport , look out for one another in the neighbourhood, do voluntary work or donate to the weaker in our society – there are many examples of how each and every one of us can make a contribution.”

The governor also used the first meeting with the religious communities in his new function to thank the faith representatives present – combined with the request to continue to support the community in the future: “Regardless of the denomination, faith gives support, consolation, Strength, orientation and confidence. He is like an anchor that holds people, especially in turbulent times, and can help to ensure that they are not thrown off course. For this I would like to thank the religious communities, whose social commitment goes far beyond the practice of faith. In the future, I want to maintain an exchange on an equal footing with representatives of all faiths and, as governor, be the contact person for the various denominations in Tyrol,” emphasizes LH Finish Mattle.

Fact box: Religious communities in Tyrol

State-approved churches and religious communities:

  • Alevi religious community in Austria
  • Old Catholic Church
  • Evangelical Church (AB and HB)
  • Free Churches in Austria
  • Greek Oriental (Orthodox) Church
  • Islamic religious community
  • Israeli religious community for Tyrol and Vorarlberg
  • Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Austrian state of Tyrol
  • Catholic Church
  • Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)
  • New Apostolic Church
  • Austrian Buddhist Religious Society

State-registered religious denominations:

  • Bahai religious community in Tyrol
  • Free Alevi faith community in Austria
  • Seventh-day Adventist Church in Austria
  • Unification Church in Austria



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