LF Avenir Santé has funds to invest – France SCPI

LF Avenir Santé has funds to invest – France SCPI

The SCPI LF Avenir Santé specializes in healthcare real estate investment in Europe. With a diversified portfolio, it continues to grow despite an uncertain economic context. In 2024, its capitalization reaches 208.4 million euros, ensuring a stable distribution and positive prospects for its investors.

LF Avenir Santé at the service of healthcare real estate in Europe

The SCPI LF Avenir Santé stands out for its commitment to developing a real estate offering dedicated to the healthcare sector, mainly in Europe. With the aim of building a diversified portfolio, this SCPI invests in real estate assets located in member or former member countries of the European Union. These investments, at a minimum of 90%, concern properties directly linked to the medical-social sector or having an indirect link with healthcare. In addition, LF Avenir Santé reserves the right to acquire commercial premises, offices, parking lots, or even warehouses.

During the second quarter of 2024, the International SCPI LF Avenir Santé recorded gross inflows of €18.9 million, despite a complex economic and political context. This performance made it possible to maintain net inflows of €16.8 million after the withdrawals of nearly 7,000 shares, representing €2.1 million. Thanks to this inflow, LF Avenir Santé is able to finance several acquisition projects currently underway. With a yield of 4.8% in 2023, it is in the ranking of the best SCPIs 2024

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Sustained growth despite a complex real estate market

As of June 30, 2024, the capitalization of LF Avenir Santé, managed by the management company La Française REM reached nearly €208.4 million, demonstrating investor confidence in the healthcare sector, even in a generally turbulent real estate market. Since the beginning of the year, the SCPI has already collected more than €30 million, a level higher than that of the previous quarter.

The heritage of the Ecological SCPI LF Avenir Santé currently consists of 32 assets, held directly or via Real Estate Companies (SCI). Among these assets, two are under construction in Sale in Future State of Completion (VEFA), with deliveries scheduled for 2025. The geographical distribution of the assets shows a predominance in France (75%), the remainder being located in Europe (25%). In addition, these assets benefit from physical and financial occupancy rates of 100%, which reinforces the solidity and profitability of the portfolio.

Positive outlook for LF Avenir Santé in 2024

This second quarter was also marked by the renewal of the lease of the Clinique Mont-Louis in Paris, owned by the OC Santé group, for a fixed term of twelve years. This key event reflects the stability and longevity of the income generated by the SCPI’s assets.

LF Avenir Santé’s performance allows us to consider maintaining the distribution level planned for 2024, identical to that of the previous year. For this second quarter, an advance payment of 3.30 euros per share was paid to investors. This attractive yield, combined with the quality of the assets and the strength of the healthcare sector, continues to make LF Avenir Santé a preferred choice for investors seeking security and performance in an uncertain context.

With a clear investment strategy and rigorous management, LF Avenir Santé has established itself as a key player in the field of healthcare real estate in Europe, offering its subscribers prospects for sustainable growth.

Find all the information in the 2nd quarter bulletin of the SCPI LF Avenir Santé.

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