Lewandowski transfer is just a matter of price

The transfer poker around Robert Lewandowski is entering the hot phase. While Barcelona and the Pole are increasingly pushing for a change, FC Bayern now seems to be beginning to falter. According to “Sky”, a transfer in the summer is only a question of price.

The signs are condensing, after which the “Basta Basta” in the Lewandowski case is slowly but surely crumbling. Even if those responsible on Säbener Straße continue to adhere to their ban on switching in public, FCB seems to have a significantly different route internally.

For weeks now, several German media have reported unanimously that Munich would be willing to let the two-time FIFA world footballer go prematurely from a certain sum. The curious thing is that this sum has recently continued to rise.

The price is openly gambled on

While the “BILD” and the “kicker” initially reported a pain threshold of 40 million euros, a sum of 50 million euros was recently in the room. “Sky” reporter Florian Plettenberg has now revealed that the record champions could only become weak from 60 million euros.

It is interesting: According to Plettenberg, a Lewandowski change has become much more likely than it was a few weeks ago. Accordingly, the price is now openly gambled on. Exit? Totally open.

Barcelona prepare third offer

In line with the report from “Sky”, reports are circulating in Spain that FC Barcelona is already working on a third offer for Lewandowski. The latest bid of 35 million euros plus five million euros in bonus payments has had no effect at FC Bayern.

As Barça insider Gerard Romero claims to have learned, the Catalans’ third offer is said to be worth up to €47m. 40 million of them are fixed, the rest should flow in the form of performance-related payments.

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