Letters to the Editor: Family Medicine Residents | Opinion

Medical residents spend years training in their specialty, see patients alongside expert physicians, and progressively take on responsibilities. Thus, at the end of their training, they reach the level that allows them to start working with their own responsibility; At the end, both your technical level and your ability to function must be the highest possible. The best care for their future patients depends on them, that is vital. In general, hospital specialists organize their time and work in the way that seems most convenient to ensure the best results; however, in Primary Care the times for patient care are usually short, which can prevent the necessary minimal reflection or explanation to the patient, vital for them to understand their problem. Family Medicine residents will also be learning bad medical practices, which are largely behind the current complaints.

Eliseo Pascual Gomez. Alicante

The Super Cup in Arabia

It is indecent to celebrate the Spanish soccer super cup in Saudi Arabia. Can anyone understand that the federation has shown a merely mercantilist interest in having it held there? He does not care in the slightest that it is a country where human rights are not respected, nor that the contenders who face each other there are Spanish, nor that the matches are played more than 6,000 kilometers from Spain, nor the stoppage of the League for the teams that play. In my opinion, it is indecent that only “golden metal” has prevailed for the sporting event to be held in the Arab country. As Quevedo would say, “a powerful gentleman is Don Dinero”.

Javier Cordero Ruiz. Madrid

I, to the public

This week I had a mammogram done at my referral hospital, just 20 days after requesting it. And it has been a miracle, because the letter that Salud Madrid sent me it gave preference to seven private centers. Only in the penultimate paragraph did it indicate how to do it in Social Security. This is another variant to discredit public health.

Maria Isabel Lopez de Alda. Madrid

coherent minutes

Is no one surprised that the police unions are outraged that it can be demanded that the police records and certificates must be coherent, logical and reasonable? What do they defend, that they are inconsistent, illogical and unreasonable? Is that how they understand their functions?

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Leandro Valencia Alonso. Sant Pol de Mar (Barcelona)

The Assault Doctrine

Now you can write, yes. Donald Trump has implanted the doctrine of assault. Which doctrine, its propagation was to be expected: It has happened in Brazil. An elitist doctrine that believes it possesses the truth. If the polls don’t recognize you, the truth crooks will encourage the mob to reclaim their stolen truth. Let us flee, as from the devil, from these rascals. Playing with fire doesn’t just burn; also blind. Here we have not burned yet, but we begin to not distinguish what is near and we barely glimpse what is far away.

Francisco Garcia Castro. Estepona (Malaga)

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