Letters | The third dynamic | By: Juancho Barreto

Juancho Jose Barreto Gonzalez /proyectocasalibre@gmail.com

1.- A proposal. We meet on the path of hands and eyes. It lies beyond hatred. There we will realize that our hands are too similar. We must write the history of hands, the book of hands.

2.- To realize is to be aware of something. Reading the book of the house involves understanding all its equations and construction materials. “People are closing the windows of their rooms, they are cutting off communication. The noise makers in each room are deafening each other.” The seriousness of the noise must be considered.

3.- There are two types of silence: reflective silence and complicit silence. The latter is the type that remains silent in order to swallow all the noises in the room and reproduce them without comment.

4.- From the invaded house to the blinded house. He looks, but does not understand. The invaded house is crossed by visible and invisible cables. It is full of all the cybernetic twists and turns there are and will be. We achieved independence on horseback, we are losing it “because of the data”.

5.- The Venezuelan house looks bad. The ghosts of division make a lot of noise. The royalists of yesterday and the royalists of today have achieved “the historical continuity of noise”, while the patriots, with their arms twisted, and with their sectarian blindness, write in the plaster of their limbs unconnected slogans that “do not interpret the clash of times”.

6.- A third dynamic is proposed from some corners. The rationality of the government-opposition conflict is repeated in the labyrinth. A prolonged civil war between Venezuelans. Reading and understanding this book should lead us to a cultural shift.

7.- On the path of the hands we will realize that our hands look alike. Hands up, hands to work, hands to the wall emulate the story of the chase of the hands together. Let’s start a daily exercise, let’s greet each other by shaking hands. Hey man!!

8.- The politics of the division of hands, of the division of the body, into left and right, is the politics of the fragment of the body.

9.- Return to birth, swim against the tide so that we are not swallowed up by violence against everything and everyone. It is impossible to prefabricate birth as they have done with culture and politics. The indignant house separates itself from indignation and seeks a new “philosophical policy” as Daniel, a student of proprioception, says.

10.- To be aware of the house is to be conscious of its situation. It depends on the inhabitants of the house, their anguish, their freedom. The house is made, it is not a project, it is a condition of existence. Its projection occurs at different levels. The basis of this projection is personal thought, the spirit of the house.

11.- The third dynamic conceives a key space, inside and outside the rooms. Zones of understanding and interpretation room. One understands because one interprets. There is no need to swallow anything without “having read it well”. No message, wherever it comes from, can be “pre-established”.

12.- The energy of the meeting can produce the third dynamic. It is not a recipe book, it is an experience. Thus, the scale of participation emerges from the third dynamic in the house of understanding.

13.- Everything goes through the body. I have been attacked, they want to dress me, they undress me. The cultural death of the body has its maximum expression in the killing of the body. Multiple armies are trained in the school of death.

14.- The third dynamic of the house of understanding must work on the cultural life of the body and will have its maximum expression in “the best living of the body.”

#Letters #dynamic #Juancho #Barreto
2024-08-16 07:54:46



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