Letter: “The image took stone and clay”: evo_lutio — LiveJournal

Yesterday in the TG we began to analyze the topic of self-presentation: how to talk regarding your successes and achievements without bugs.

Today we will continue.

Here is a negative example for you.

Let’s look at why the author’s self-presentation looks so comical.

to the wedding

> Good followingnoon, dear Evolution. I created my page only this week, but for a long time, regarding six months, I have been carefully reading your blog.
> Thank you for such an abundance of useful material and a detailed analysis of the nuances.
> This is the most amazing and pleasant find for me on the Internet over the past 10 years.
> Let me tell you a little regarding myself. I really want to share.
> Work on the growth of significance for me began regarding ten years ago with a big and, once, unrequited platonic love. Analyzed. I worked out the settings within myself. She revealed her former deformations, sublimated them into poems through BDSM images, she lived self-destruction in poetry, in her life she was engaged in personal growth, development of will and creativity. Went to the heart of the chosen one through reflection, interest in him and the growth of significance. Studied Tarot Thoth, read Aleister Crowley, Carl Jung, Sabina Spielrein. Then she became interested in alchemical symbols and teachings. She saved up for the publication of her book of poems, a modest circulation of 28 copies. As a person, it has changed. Through black feelings got out to the light. Now for three years we have been happily living with someone who then became love and motivation for me.
> In socionic typology, I am a logical-intuitive, extrovert, rational. Image took stone and clay. My poems were also – cold rain and hot clay and mud (temperature – according to my feelings).
> Now I am studying the image on your blog, I understand that my natural type, SZHM, according to features – Ether, perhaps you can make Fire (D is strongly manifested in character), previously I had the image of the Children’s Railway – stone and clay.
> Lights up the idea and finally comes the inspiration to write poetry (stopped as soon as the suffering ended). They turn out different. Dry and warm. It can be air and fire. My dream is to write once more, work on myself and republish the book already with a section on 4 elements and seasons.
> I read your blog, I continue to work on the deformations. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for inspiration, food for the mind and spirit, attention and time. I would be happy to become a member of the community of commentators, if you allow.
> Sincerely,
> Maria



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