Letter from President Emmanuel Macron to the French people.

Dear French people,

On June 30 and July 7, you went to the polls in large numbers to choose your deputies. I salute this mobilization, a sign of the vitality of our Republic from which we can, it seems to me, draw some conclusions.

First, there is a need for democratic expression in the country. Then, if the extreme right came out on top in the first round with nearly 11 million votes, you clearly refused to let it enter the Government. Finally, no one won. No political force obtains a sufficient majority on its own and the blocs or coalitions that emerge from these elections are all minorities. Divided in the first round, united by mutual withdrawals in the second, elected thanks to the votes of the voters of their former adversaries, only the republican forces represent an absolute majority. The nature of these elections, marked by a clear demand for change and power sharing, requires them to build a broad rally.

As President of the Republic, I am both the protector of the higher interests of the Nation and the guarantor of the institutions and of respect for your choice.

It is in this capacity that I ask all political forces that recognize themselves in republican institutions, the rule of law, parliamentarianism, a European orientation and the defense of French independence, to engage in a sincere and loyal dialogue to build a solid, necessarily plural, majority for the country. Ideas and programs before positions and personalities: this gathering must be built around a few major principles for the country, clear and shared republican values, a pragmatic and readable project and take into account the concerns that you expressed at the time of the elections. It must guarantee the greatest possible institutional stability. It will bring together women and men who, in the tradition of the Fifth Republic, place their country above their party, the Nation above their ambition. What the French have chosen through the ballot box – the republican front – the political forces must make concrete through their actions.

It is in light of these principles that I will decide on the appointment of the Prime Minister. This requires giving the political forces some time to build these compromises with serenity and respect for everyone. Until then, the current Government will continue to exercise its responsibilities and will then be in charge of current affairs as is the republican tradition.

Let us place our hope in the ability of our political leaders to demonstrate a sense of harmony and appeasement in your interest and that of the country. Our country must be able to bring to life, as do so many of our European neighbors, this spirit of surpassing oneself that I have always called for.

Your vote requires everyone to rise to the occasion. To work together.

Last Sunday, you called for the invention of a new French political culture. For you, I will ensure this. In your name, I will be its guarantor.

In trust.

Emmanuel Macron



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