Let’s watch the “Eta-Aquarids Meteor Shower” at 2 am. Expect 50 meteors per hour. seeing with the naked eye all over Thailand

On May 5, 65, the National Astronomical Research Institute (Public Organization) (Sod.) revealed that around 02:15 until the morning of May 6, 65 hrs.Ita-Aquarids meteor shower” Average maximum fall rate of 50 stars per hour. without the moonlight disturbing noticeable to the naked eye east Recommend viewing in complete darkness to see more clearly.

“Eta-Aquarids Meteor Shower” ismeteor showerOccurring during April 19 – May 28 of every year For this year, the highest rate of fall is expected on May 6, 2022 around 3:00 PM. An average peak rate of 50 meteors is expected per hour. could not be observed during that period. but will be observed on the night of May 5 to dawn of May 6, 2022 at approximately 2:15 AM onwards. The distribution center is around the Cauldron constellation. can be observed with the naked eye

However, the night was not disturbed by the moonlight. Therefore, it is very suitable for observation. Interested parties can wait to see the beauty of the phenomenon.Ita-Aquarids meteor showercan

place to watch meteor shower It should be a dark place without disturbing lights or away from the city. It is recommended to lie down and watch and adjust your eyes to the darkness for about 15-20 minutes. For recording the meteor shower, Cannot determine direction It takes guesswork and hold the camera open to let the meteor run past the camera. Interested parties can prepare and prepare equipment for that period.

Ita-Aquarids meteor shower Formed by streams of rock and dust particles left behind by Comet Halley (1P/Halley) as it travels through the inner solar system. when the world orbits through such streams The comet’s rock and dust are pulled by the Earth’s gravity and burned in the Earth’s atmosphere, creating flashes of light. or sometimes a fireball with beautiful colors (fireball)

It can also be observed thatIta-Aquarids meteor shower” again on the night of 6 May until the morning of 7 May 2022 at approximately 2:15 p.m. onwards until dawn east

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