Let’s look at the sky! Total lunar eclipse will be visible in Venezuela this Sunday – DiarioVea

VEA / Yuleidys Hernández Toledo

The total lunar eclipse that will occur between the night of this Sunday, May 15, and the morning of Monday, May 16, can be seen in Venezuela. This was confirmed by the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Inameh) on its Twitter account.

According to NASA, around 9:32 p.m. its penumbral phase will begin, with the moon slowly entering the shadow of the Earth. organization on its website.

NASA explains on its website that a lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon align in such a way that the Moon passes through the Earth’s shadow. “During a total lunar eclipse, the entire Moon falls within the darkest part of Earth’s shadow, called the umbra. When the Moon is in the umbra, it takes on a reddish hue. Lunar eclipses are sometimes called “Blood Moons” because of this phenomenon.



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