Trivandrum, First Published Aug 20, 2022, 10:30 AM IST
Today, August 20 is ‘World Mosquito Day’. This day is observed as ‘Mosquito Day’ with the aim of creating awareness among the public regarding mosquito-borne diseases and mosquito control.
We know regarding many diseases that mosquitoes carry. Mosquitoes can even become carriers of diseases that pose serious health challenges, such as dengue fever and malaria. To get rid of all this, it is necessary not to create a favorable environment for mosquitoes as much as possible.
The main thing to do is to keep the surroundings clean in homes and workplaces, not allowing water to accumulate, and not depositing garbage in the open.
Taking precautions to avoid mosquito bites can also protect us from mosquito-borne diseases. This is what mosquito repellents are used for. Some natural oils can also help repel mosquitoes. I am sharing regarding some such oils.
Lavender Oil: This oil is obtained from lavender flowers. Its odor and ability to fight pathogens make it ideal for mosquito repellent.
Citronella Oil: This oil is used to repel small insects. It is also very useful to repel mosquitoes. Citronella candles are also available in the market. It can also be applied to the body as a moisturizer.
Tea Tree Oil: This is an oil from Australia. They have a special ability to fight once morest bacteria and other micro-organisms. It is very helpful to repel insects and mosquitoes.
Neem Oil: This is a mosquito repellent oil. But for some, this oil can cause skin irritation. So pay attention to this. Diluted with coconut oil or any other oil can help prevent skin problems.
Camphor: Burning camphor also repels mosquitoes. Its main feature is its smell. Camphor should be smoked following closing all the doors and windows. If you smoke it for at least 20 minutes, you will definitely see results.
Also Read:- Be careful, is your environment conducive to dengue fever?
Last Updated Aug 20, 2022, 10:30 AM IST