Let’s help Claude wash the car, the stress-relieving masterpiece “Simulated High Pressure Washing” will add “FF7” DLC for free | 4Gamers

“PowerWash Simulator”, developed by FuturLab, announced that it will launch a free DLC “Midgar Special Pack”, which will cooperate with the well-known Japanese role-playing game “Final Fantasy VII”.

Since Square Enix is ​​the publisher of “Simulated High Pressure Washing”, it also directly contributed to the cooperation of these two seemingly unrelated games. “Simulated High Pressure Washing” has been a great success since its release last year. This game, which uses high-pressure water guns to clean dirt, has received nearly 29,000 overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam.

Of course, this cooperation is not for players to fight monsters, but for players to take over the task and use high-pressure nozzles to clean three well-known objects in “FF7”, including Tifa and Barrett’s original bar “Seventh Heaven”. “, Claude’s motorcycle “HARDY DAYTONA”, and the representative enemy “Guardian Scorpion” in the work.

In addition to “FF7”, “Simulated High Pressure Cleaning” also launched a cooperation with another well-known game “Tomb Raider” today, allowing players to clean scenes such as museums. “Simulated High Pressure Washing” is currently on sale on Steam, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch platforms.

There is currently no public launch date for the Midgar Special Pack.

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