“Let’s change the EU”, no to lobbies and Ursula bis –

The balance of power in the European Parliament is changing following the elections. Matteo Salvini is “ready to join Orban’s group to change the EU”, writes Libero, which interviewed the minister, deputy prime minister and leader of the League. “It happens that, with incredible arrogance, those who lost the European elections in almost all the countries of the Union are desperately trying to hold on to their seats. We will do everything to prevent this, saying a clear no to any hypothesis of Ursula bis and rejecting any alliance with the socialists and ecofanatics all taxes and landings. This is why we are building the Patriots group, which aims to be the third largest in the entire parliament: this week there will be the conditions for an official announcement that will change the balance of power in Brussels”, explains Salvini. In short, the League would be ready to join Patriots for Europe to build “a new large group that contrasts lobbyists, bureaucrats, bankers, pro-Islamists and pro-Chinese”, says Salvini.

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“In recent years there has been unified propaganda to try to ridicule and downplay those, like the League or Marine Le Pen, who proposed a different model of Europe. – argues the leader of the Carroccio – Given that reality is stronger than any lie, it is now clearly emerging that the European people want a radical change. The parties allied with the League are at the top of the consensus in much of the continent, from France to the Netherlands and Austria. I renew my hope that all the centre-right forces will find the synthesis to change the EU, avoiding the return to power of the left that in recent years has damaged European families and businesses with taxes, Chinese electric cars, house beatings and unregulated immigration. Why should someone who calls himself ‘centre-right’ prefer the social-communists to the League and Le Pen?”.

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But will the League leave Identity and Democracy to join the Patriots? Will the choice be linked to the French elections and any decisions by Marine Le Pen? “The goal I have been working on for years is to build a new large group in Brussels that will counter the excessive power of lobbyists, bureaucrats and bankers who all lean left, pro-Islamic and pro-Chinese – Salvini replies – An open and inclusive group, which has the ambition to grow and count. Tomorrow you will have the official confirmation of all the parties that will be part of it, the League’s choice was clear before and following the vote: never any agreement with the socialists and fanatics who have only done damage, today’s vote in France, however it goes, is already decisive. Macron is now an extreme minority at home, like Scholz in Germany, and the League with its allies will be decisive”.

#Lets #change #lobbies #Ursula #bis #Tempo
2024-07-09 02:49:02



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