“Let’s breathe again but…” –

The heat, the great protagonist of the last, sultry weeks, has its hours numbered. This is what meteorologists predict, who, on several occasions, are predicting a drastic drop in temperatures. There is even talk of a difference of ten degrees. What will the consequences be? What are the risks in terms of health? These are the most common questions. “I am not worried about the temperature change coming to our country. On the contrary, it is welcome because with 7-8 or 10 degrees less we can breathe again and then the body adapts”: this is how epidemiologist Massimo Ciccozzi commented on the coming change, who gave statements to Adnkronos Salute.

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“Of course, the elderly and frail risk colds, the important thing is to be careful,” the expert clarified shortly after. Then he shifted attention to another problem that could soon affect Italy. “The tragedy, if anything, is the drought, which is also a public health problem. The lack of drinking water is a real emergency because in the past, drinking water has saved millions of human lives, much more than vaccines and research,” he said. “Without drinking water, agricultural fields cannot be irrigated, but what is the alternative? Water from wells that is not controlled? And who would consume fruit and vegetables without problems?”, he concluded.

#Lets #breathe #but.. #Tempo
2024-08-18 17:03:59



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