Leticia Ocampos received international distinction for her work in favor of early childhood

Asunción, IP Agency.- The first lady, Leticia Ocampos, was awarded the prestigious “Champions” award at the Theirworld Awards, as part of the Act for Early Years campaign, promoted by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Theirworld.

This recognition highlights his tireless dedication and commitment to the comprehensive development of early childhood, one of the central priorities of his management from the beginning.

The recognition symbolizes the efforts that the First Lady led together with her team and various organizations, to guarantee that boys and girls have the necessary opportunities for full development in their first years of life.

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) also reports that First Lady Ocampos received a “Champion” distinction from Theirworld for her leadership in strengthening policies in favor of early childhood in the country.

He highlights that among his main achievements are the leadership and coordination of a new management model for inter-institutional coordination between the main ministries that guarantee early childhood rights, the development of the national early childhood program “Seeds of the Future” and the management of funds for the construction of 100 new comprehensive care centers for early childhood in 17 departments of the country.

First Lady Ocampos met last June with local and regional representatives of UNICEF to analyze strategies to improve the living conditions of boys and girls in vulnerable areas.

Ocampos promoted the creation and assumed the presidency of the Alliance of Spouses of Heads of State and Representatives in September of last year, on which occasion he presented the issues of women, children, culture and internal tourism as the strategic axes of the Office of the First Lady, said Unicef.

#Leticia #Ocampos #received #international #distinction #work #favor #early #childhood
2024-09-27 23:18:27



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