“Quiet Summer” – Technikart

2024-08-19 09:02:25

Series Revelation Nudes, Baptiste Masseline is also a karate champion… So, when he shares his beach plans with us, we listen. Meeting in the tropics (well, almost).

In the series Nudeswhich deals with revenge porn, you play Victor, the stalker. An intense role?
Baptiste Masseline : With the director Andréa Bescond, we wanted people to become attached to him, because a stalker can be anyone. It was meticulous work, I worked on each line intensely, to be sometimes threatening, sometimes honeyed, to make him humanized sometimes, dehumanized other times.

How did you approach this role of aggressor?
I tried to distance myself from the character’s point of view, because I wanted to have a neutral position. With Andréa, we wanted Victor to be human, a normal-looking guy, and not a guy hiding in the shadows and scary. We had to find an endearing side to him, because he’s a lost and confused young man, lacking communication with his parents, left to his own devices. Andréa has a very healthy vision of the thing, which allowed us to bring many layers to this character.

Is it true that you rewrite all the texts you are going to play to learn them as well as possible?
Yes, there are a billion ways to say each word, so I experiment. I just want to be prepared every time I walk onto a set.

Is it harder to get out of a role like this, where you shoot all day, without a break between scenes?
I started this job knowing that there would be down times. But I use it as free time to complete myself as an actor. I learn piano, I do karate and tango. If I keep up the assiduity I have in my classes, I will be able to offer other things to the cinema.

Baptiste is the ace of caipirinhas. Fun fact: he always has a lime in his pocket.

At the age of 11, a serious car accident was a turning point in your life, after which you got deeply involved in sports, especially karate.
I was champion of Paris this year, for the seventh time… This accident is the greatest luck I have had in my life. It forced me to do some thinking at a very young age which allows me today to have several lives and to be at 200%.

A dream of doing the karate event at the Olympics?
I don’t have the level… Nor the time… It’s a complement. But a lot of things come together between karate and cinema, in particular respect for your partner, rigor in work, resilience… It allows you to acquire a beautiful humility.

Ta discipline sport ?
I get up, eat a banana, then do 50 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, jump rope… I’m hyperactive, sports have helped me in my job. On Nudes, that’s what helped me. The pace was frantic. If I wasn’t at my best, the shoot would stop. It’s a good pressure.

We also saw you at the Louis Gabriel Nouchi fashion show.
I loved meeting him. Fashion will never be my main job, it’s a complement to acting. I don’t want to have any downtime. That’s what I liked when I started my career, not having a monotonous daily life, making myself grow, getting to know myself in a thousand different ways – fashion, sports, the various roles I tackle.

You also appear in the series Beyond Black Beauty. A dream of the USA?
It was very stressful, but the experience reinforced my idea of ​​being able to film in English because the director reassured me about my accent! Apparently it’s more American…

How are you doing with the writing of your first film?
The second version is finished. I am working with the screenwriter Marius Gachot. It is progressing very well. It is about a true story, which I want to keep secret for the moment.

I heard you were surfing a bit around Lacanau. Your summer track to get to your spot?
« Kiss The Sky », de Shawn Lee’s Ping Pong Orchestra !

Summer for you?
It’s the calm of uncrowded places, where I can be in the open air… Peaceful!

By Alexis Lacourte
Photos : Jeanne Pepper

#Quiet #Summer #Technikart



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