Less people willing to buy electric cars. Mr. Bean guilty?

According to the Green Alliance, one of Atkinson’s articles “damages” the British government’s plans to phase out cars with conventional engines by 2035. This is a project analogous to the one in the European Union, i.e. the so-called ban on combustion cars.

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“Mr. Bean” once morest electric cars

Green Alliance does not specify which article it is regarding. According to Sky Ness, this may be a publication from July 2023 for “The Guardian”. In it, Atkinson wrote that he thought electric cars were “a bit soulless.” He also criticized the use of lithium-ion batteries, which harm the environment.

This infuriated the Green Alliance, which accused the Guardian of publishing Atkinson’s “false statements from the beginning.” Especially since the author of the article emphasized that he has a degree in electrical engineering and electronics.

As “Rz” writes, the Green Alliance was most angry at the actor’s appeal. In the article, Atkinson advised readers to “hold off for now” on purchasing electric vehicles unless they “own an old diesel car.” A week later, Simon Evans, a journalist with the climate website Carbon Brie, published a polemic once morest Mr. Bean’s claims in the same daily.

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