Less Gap, More Community: seven free courses to improve … – Municipality of Córdoba

  • There are seven training proposals with certification that address different levels of content related to digital culture.
  • Residents can register or request more information by emailing menosbrecha.gov@gmail.com or calling +54 9 3512 01-3564.

The Municipality of Córdoba, through the program “Less Gap, More Community”, invites residents to join the free training offered throughout the semester aimed at reducing the digital divide in the city.

The Municipality’s educational proposals have been designed in partnership with renowned institutions and companies in the technology field such as Eidos Global, Microsoft, Academia 3E and the “Technology with Purpose” Foundation.

Residents can register or request more information by emailing menosbrecha.gov@gmail.com or calling +54 9 3512 01-3564.

“Less Gap, More Community” is a commitment to facilitate access and use of New Technologies based on Municipal Ordinance No. 13,904, passed in October 2020.

To date, 56 training initiatives have been implemented, benefiting more than 20,000 people in the city of Córdoba.

The Smart City and Digital Transformation Secretariat leads this ongoing effort to close the digital divide in our city and improve the quality of life of citizens.

The Courses

In the second half of 2024, seven training proposals are offered that include certification: Silvertech, Entrepreneurship in the Age of Artificial Intelligence; Virtual Scam Prevention Workshop; Digital Skills, Agile Methodologies for Project Management; My Business on the Internet; Digital Tools to Boost your Entrepreneurship; Data Analytics.

Silvertech: Entrepreneurship in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
This course starts in September 2024 and registrations can be made until August 26. It has a synchronous modality and is aimed at people over 50 years of age. It enhances entrepreneurial skills through the integration of generative artificial intelligence (GA) tools.

Virtual Scam Prevention Workshop

This proposal addresses topics such as the most common scams, the protection of personal information, and how to stay safe on the Internet. The cycle will be facilitated by a teacher from the Technology with Purpose Foundation and will take place in different Educational Parks and a CPC in the city of Córdoba.

Digital Skills

Together with Microsoft and Infossep, this virtual and asynchronous training will be offered, which contains the fundamentals of the use of digital technologies. There will be six micro courses to learn how to use devices, software and the Internet effectively. Available on the INFOSSEP virtual campus.

Agile Methodologies for Project Management

This virtual and asynchronous course, in collaboration with the Youth Department and the Public and Social Innovation Laboratory of the Municipality (CorLab), introduces methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban and Design Thinking to learn how to manage projects in a flexible and autonomous way, achieving greater productivity and quality in the results. Access the course here

My Business on the Internet

This introductory, virtual and asynchronous training provides the tools and knowledge necessary to offer products or services using the Internet and social networks. The course consists of explanatory videos, theoretical material and assessments.

Digital Tools to Boost Your Entrepreneurship

Taught in a virtual and asynchronous format, it allows participants to explore various digital tools to improve and grow business operations. Participants will learn to formalize their business in the digital world and expand the reach of their communication to interact effectively with clients or potential clients.

Data Analytics

Virtual and asynchronous proposal to acquire fundamental skills and knowledge in data analysis. During the course, the techniques and tools necessary to collect, organize and analyze large volumes of data are covered with the aim of extracting valuable information for decision making.



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