Less DIY, clothes, toys… inflation continues to weigh on the French budget

2023-11-30 06:48:18

Less DIY, clothing and household appliances, toys but a budget for food preserved: inflation has slowed in recent months, but it continues to weigh on the spending of the French, who adapt their purchases.

Preserved food

More than 20% increase, over one year and over the first half of 2023: this is the average increase in the prices of many basic foodstuffs in the French diet, such as milk, cheese , eggs, pasta or couscous for example.

As a result, the volume of products sold decreases. It fell by 8.5% over the first seven months of 2023 compared to the same period of the previous year, according to the Federation of Commerce and Distribution (FCD).

And to continue to meet their food needs, households end up making “trade-offs”, for example favoring private label products or giving up anything that seems superfluous to them.

Despite this inflationary context, the food sector continues to hold up well. In the first half of the year, the turnover of the French agri-food industries (excluding drinks and tobacco) jumped by 11.6% in value, according to the FCD.

DIY and household appliances shunned

Redoing your living room or changing your mattress is no longer a priority for the French.

After the “two exceptional years” which followed the health crisis, since mid-2022 we have been witnessing a “ market landing » home equipment (household appliances, furniture and even bedding), notes Jean-Charles Vogley, general director of the National Confederation of Home Equipment (CNEF).

Household appliances, furniture and even bedding are less popular.

Over the first nine months of 2023, sales in value of furniture products fell by 1.2% compared to 2022, and they decreased more sharply in volume.

The context has led Fnac Darty to slightly lower its profitability forecasts for 2023.

Difficult return to school for clothing

Pleasure purchases sacrificed? The clothing sector experienced a difficult start to the 2023 school year, noted the Observatory of the National Clothing Federation (FNH).

« 74% of independent businesses saw their sales decline in September 2023 “, he notes, “ with 42% of them experiencing a decline of more than 20% in turnover » over a year.

The Economic Observatory of the French Fashion Institute notes that it is nevertheless necessary “ putting the sharp drop in sales in September into perspective ”, sales in value of the clothing sector being, over the first nine months of the year, “slightly higher” (+0.3%) than those of the first nine months of 2022.

Toys are waiting for Christmas

« In a difficult economic context, consumers naturally made decisions regarding their spending at the start of the year », Confirms Florent Leroux, president of the French Federation of Toy and Childcare Industries (FJP), who remains hopeful for the last quarter with Christmas.

The toy sector, as number of non-food markets », suffers the consequences of inflation and records, over the first nine months of the year, a drop of 4.5% in value, indicate the FJP and the Federation of trade specialists in toys and children’s products (FCJPE) in a joint press release.

The consulting group Circana shows in a study that, among French consumers who have reduced their toy purchases, 44% cite the drop in their purchasing power as the reason.

#DIY #clothes #toys.. #inflation #continues #weigh #French #budget



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