Less crap in the bathroom | PID press

2023-08-08 08:20:16

The lessmist.at website provides many tips on how to easily avoid waste in the bathroom. Aug 2023

Vienna (OTS) Deodorants, shower gels and co – the cupboard in the bathroom is full of body care products. Fortunately, the proportion of products that help reduce waste is increasing. So the soap is rightly experiencing an upswing. New products such as deodorant creams and solid hair shampoos impress with their pleasant care and yield. When it comes to diapers and menstrual hygiene, there are modern, reusable alternatives to disposable products. The website offers an overview of the waste-saving products and their advantages www.wenigermist.at/kosmetik.

With the summer temperatures, personal care products are in high season. There is a lot of packaging waste and, in the case of aluminum cans with propellant gas, even hazardous waste. “Packaging waste can easily be avoided by purchasing consciously. The good old soap is productive, inexpensive and saves plastic bottles”explains City Councilor Jürgen Czernohorszky.

Solid products for more yield and less manure

Instead of liquid cosmetics, many alternatives are now available in solid form, including hair shampoo, hair balm and deodorant. “The solid cosmetic products are very economical and also practical for summer holidays because they take up little space and cannot leak in a backpack or suitcase”, explains Gabriele Homolka from DIE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTATION. If you stick the old, small piece of soap to the new soap when it is wet, you use it up completely and thus save waste and resources.

Avoid aluminum packaging

Whether deodorant, shower foam or shaving foam – when it comes to packaging for cosmetics, aluminum packaging brings up the ecological rear. Because aluminum is far too good for a disposable product. The raw materials are often mined under poor ecological and social conditions, and the rainforest is cut down for them.

The empty deodorant spray cans must be handed in at an MA 48 collection point for hazardous substances, as they may still contain propellant gases. The cans can only be incinerated as hazardous waste, but not recycled – the valuable aluminum is lost in the recycling cycle. Alternatives are therefore in demand: solid deodorants are available, for example, in a cardboard sleeve and are the best choice from an ecological point of view. The cardboard has the great advantage that it can not only be recycled, but that the raw material wood is also renewable.

Dry instead of wet toilet paper

It’s also easy to save on waste in the loo. Damp toilet paper is comfortable, but leaves traces: a chemical film on the skin and if plastic is processed in the fleece, there is also microplastic in the wastewater. In addition, the solid fleece does not dissolve in water and can clog drains and sewage treatment plants. Therefore, the damp toilet paper must be disposed of in the residual waste. Dry toilet paper and cleaning with a washcloth are the ecological, healthy alternative.

diapers and menstrual hygiene

Around 1 ton of waste is generated by disposable diapers in the course of a changing period. Washable diapers significantly reduce waste and are healthier for children. With cloth diapers, the children are swaddled, which has a positive effect on the development of the hip joint body. And these modern changing systems also save money – up to 700 euros in a changing period of 3 years. In Vienna, the purchase of basic equipment is supported with the Vienna diaper voucher: The voucher is issued by the employees of MA 11 together with the Vienna document folder on presentation of the mother-child passport and can be redeemed at all partner dealers.

A wide variety of reusable products are also available for menstrual hygiene, such as menstrual cups, which collect the blood in the body and are emptied regularly, or washable textiles such as panty liners and period underwear. The reusable products not only save waste, but also a lot of money in the long term.


The “naturally less rubbish” initiative offers many practical tips for avoiding waste in the bathroom www.wenigermist.at/kosmetik

The City of Vienna’s “naturally less crap” initiative carries out trend-setting and exemplary projects and activities in the field of waste prevention, which contribute to the conservation of valuable resources or to a sustainable way of life and behavior.

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