L’Espresso, all the journalists on strike but it still comes out? What’s happening in the historic left-wing weekly –

L’Espresso journalists are on strike, but the historic left-wing weekly could still hit the newsstands on Friday, September 6. An editorial and cultural short circuit is occurring in the magazine directed since May 31 by Emilio Carelli, former director of TgCom and SkyTg24 and former M5s parliamentarian, and whose publisher is the oil entrepreneur Donato Ammaturo.

The journalists have called a strike on September 2 for Tuesday September 3, which is usually the day the pages are closed, denouncing various critical issues such as the failure to renew fixed-term contracts, the absence of an editorial plan, the massive use of external collaborators and so on. But they extended the protest to Wednesday denouncing the attempt by the board of directors and management to go to press anyway by using a service.

“The editors of L’Espresso, gathered in assembly – reads a press release from the journalists – denounce the publisher’s attempt to bring out the newspaper while the editorial staff is on strike. A serious attack on the right to strike enshrined in the Constitution, which configures the profiles of an anti-union action. The attempt is even more serious as it is the expression of a concept of union relations completely foreign to the history and traditions of L’Espresso, a newspaper that has always fought for the respect of workers’ rights and for democracy in the workplace. The assembly of the editors of L’Espresso continues its battle for free and democratic journalism, for union relations based on mutual respect and will defend in every possible way the rights of journalists and of independent journalism, which for some time has been increasingly under attack by the centers of economic and political power”.

#LEspresso #journalists #strike #Whats #happening #historic #leftwing #weekly #Tempo
2024-09-08 08:25:11



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