The theses of the month: “Will the AGEC law sort out the ELV treatment sector?”

2024-06-27 06:30:15

To support you and provide you with ever richer information, Techniques de l’Ingénieur is partnering with the National Network of Doctoral Schools – Sciences for Engineering (REDOC SPI). Each month, our partner selects theses related to our monthly file to allow you to delve further into the themes developed in the file.

For our January issue, “Will the AGEC law sort out the ELV treatment sector?”, here are the theses selected by REDOC SPI. Find the summary of these theses as well as the theses from previous months on our partner’s website.

Ecodesign for circularity: development of an environment to support the integration of second-life components resulting from the disassembly of end-of-life products
Hripsime Snkhchyan
Thesis project in computer science since 01/11/2023
Bordeaux Institute of Mechanics and Engineering

Integration of Circular Economy concepts into the design and production process of automotive prototypes
Gabrielle GENTRIC
Thesis project in Industrial Engineering, since 04/01/2022
Industrial Engineering Laboratory

The dual relationship between Eco-innovation & Circular Economy: A case study of the Tire Value Chain
Ali Nazarene
Thesis project in Economic Sciences, since 10/19/2023
Laboratory: BSE – Bordeaux economic sciences

Monetizing the externalities of automated driving – a life cycle sustainability assessment of transportation systems
Nicole Nicole van den Boom
Thesis project in Industrial Engineering, since 04/27/2023
Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Self-healing hybrid polyolefins for automotive applications
Mariette Lafont de Sentenac
Doctoral thesis in Physics and Chemistry of Materials, defended on 01/03/2024
Condensed Matter Chemistry of ParisDefense on 01/03/2024

New method for deactivating Li-ion batteries of electric vehicles for recycling: study of the phenomena involved
Julia LEVY
Doctoral thesis in Materials, Mechanics, Electrochemistry, Civil Engineering, defended on 03/01/2024

Optimization of reusable packaging flows with an application to the automotive supply chain
Najoua Lakhmi
Doctoral thesis in industrial engineering, defended on 12/22/2021
Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Circular business models ˸ towards sustainable value creation and capture? Processes and instrumentation: Lessons from automotive recycling and reuse
Remi Beulque
Doctoral thesis in Management Sciences, defended on 04/19/2019
Scientific Management Center

Driving and Catalyzing the Transition to a Circular Economy: Circularity Tools and Indicators Applied to the Heavy-Duty Vehicle Industry
Michael Saidani
Doctoral thesis in Industrial Sciences and Technologies, defended on 10/11/2018
Industrial Engineering Laboratory

The merchant ship and its recycling
Anne-Christine Renard
Doctoral thesis in private law, defended on 08/12/2022
Sorbonne Institute for Legal Research

#theses #month #AGEC #law #sort #ELV #treatment #sector



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