Theses of the month: “Circular economy: a programmed but complex implementation”

2024-08-29 06:45:43

To support you and provide you with ever richer information, Techniques de l’Ingénieur is partnering with the National Network of Doctoral Schools – Sciences for Engineering (REDOC SPI). Each month, our partner selects theses related to our monthly file to allow you to delve further into the themes developed in the file.

For our August issue, “Circular economy: a programmed but complex implementation”, here are the theses selected by the REDOC SPI. Find the summary of these theses as well as the theses from previous months on our partner’s website.

Public procurement and circular economy
Romain Routier
Doctoral thesis in Public Law, Defense on 12/18/2023
Energy and Environmental Transitions

Actor dynamics in a context of transition towards a circular economy: the organizational challenge
Anne-Claire Savy
Doctoral thesis in Management and Management Sciences, Defense on 12/16/2022
Montpellier Research in Management

Distributed maintenance at the heart of a circular economy: contribution to its implementation and evaluation
Rony Djeunang Mezafack
Doctoral thesis in Automation and production, Defense on 08/12/2023
Sciences for design, optimization and production

Circular economy in power electronics: opportunity of multi-cellular design
Boubakr Rahmani
Doctoral thesis in Electrical Engineering, Defense on 12/15/2022
Electrical Engineering Laboratory

Reuse applied to the construction sector: principle, environmental impact and measurement within the framework of a circular economy
Ambroise Lachat
Doctoral thesis in Engineering Sciences, Defense on 12/13/2022
Navier Laboratory

End of life of composite woods: implementation of a circular economy approach.
Lea The Die
Doctoral thesis in Process Engineering, Defense on 07/08/2022
Hybrid composite polymers

PHA-based food packaging in a circular economy context: Study of the effect of polyphenols on the stability of PHBV during the different stages of its life cycle.
Chloë Bonnenfant
Doctoral thesis in Biomaterials, Defense on 11/23/2022
Agro-Polymer Engineering and Emerging Technologies

The circular economy, a lever for territorial development? An analysis of 16 projects within the framework of the REV3 strategy of the Hauts-de-France Region
Sonia Veyssière-Matino
Doctoral thesis in Social Sciences. Economic Science, Defense on 01/04/2023
Research Center on Innovation and Industrial Strategies

Circular economy for carbon fiber composites: from aeronautical waste to recycled carbon + thermoplastic composites
Eric Lacoste
Doctoral thesis in Mechanics, Defense on 04/21/2022
Bordeaux Institute of Mechanics and Engineering

Building bridges to cross organizational distance within the supply network: an exploratory study of exchanges across industrial boundaries and their facilitation for a circular economy
Anne Ratsimandresy
Doctoral thesis in Management and Management Sciences, Defense on 06/12/2023
ESCP Europe

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