The first positive effects of the France 2030 investment program

2024-07-15 09:30:01

The General Secretariat for Investment (SGPI) has just published a report on the progress of the France 2030 program. Responsible for independently evaluating this investment plan, the Future Investment Monitoring Committee (CSIA) has for its part published a report in which it highlights the first positive impacts of this strategic plan.

Launched in October 2021 at the end of the Covid-19 crisis, France 2030 is an investment plan that aims to catch up with French industry, create new industrial and technological sectors and support the ecological transition. Strategic sectors are targeted, ranging from space to energy, including agriculture, digital technology and culture. The General Secretariat for Investment (SGPI) has just published a rapport on the progress of this program. At the end of 2023, it appears that of the 54 billion in allocated credits, 29.9 billion euros have already been committed.

In detail, 3,650 projects were funded and benefited nearly 6,000 winners. SMEs and mid-caps shared more than half of the aid (56%), followed by research organizations, communities and public institutions (19%), large groups (16%), and finally individuals and associations (9%). The report states that more than 82,000 direct jobs were created or maintained, as well as more than 4,500 patents filed or in the process of being filed.

To know what the first impacts of this vast strategic plan are, we must refer to the last rapport of the Investments for the Future Monitoring Committee (CSIA) published in June 2023. Responsible for independently evaluating this investment program, the CSIA believes that the movement of certain industrial sectors is already evident. Thus, in the automotive sector, the value chain is rapidly shifting to electric vehicles, with in particular four battery plant projects whose forecast production is aligned with the objective of producing 2 million vehicles per year by 2030. In the field of hydrogen, “Electrolysis capacity is expected to reach 2.5 GW in 2027, or 40% of the national target set for the end of the decade”write the CSIA experts. And in terms of electronics, “The new Crolles semiconductor component plant began production in June 2023 and its ramp-up will help ease supply tensions.”

The report also mentions the emergence of new innovative players in certain changing ecosystems. This is the case, for example, in the quantum field, since half a dozen start-ups have launched themselves into the international race for quantum computers. As for the space field, it has been enriched by around twenty highly innovative projects for mini and micro-launchers, systems for in-orbit services or for monitoring the orbital environment. Finally, in terms of health, a new network of players is regarding to emerge in the biotherapies and bioproduction sector.

Job creation estimated at between 288,000 and 600,000 by 2030

When it was created, the France 2030 plan also set itself the cross-cutting objective of devoting 50% of its expenditure to the decarbonization of the economy. As such, the CSIA estimates that 46% of the resources allocated have a potential favorable impact on the decarbonization of the economy. More precisely, 21% have a favorable, direct and lasting impact while 25% have a favorable, indirect or controversial impact.

More generally, the CSIA concludes that “an exceptional potential for impacts from France 2030 which should increase GDP by 40 billion to 80 billion euros and create 288,000 to 600,000 jobs by 2030.” By generating growth and employment, experts consider that the 54 billion spent should be fully offset by gains in public revenue in the medium term. They also highlight the territorial approach of this plan, with the consideration of geographical balances in investments and the mobilization of local ecosystems, local authorities and decentralized State services.

To make this investment plan even more relevant, the Supervisory Committee makes several recommendations. In particular, it proposes to target investments more and to emphasize the personalization of support. The median amount of investments, of the order of one million euros, might for example be increased or even tripled. While France has the ambition to participate in international competition in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), the CSIA experts recommend investing more significantly in generative AI. In the agriculture and food sector, they advise redirecting and concentrating actions towards a structural change of model. For example, by earmarking one billion euros towards cooperatives that would commit to a structural change in production methods and economic models.

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