LEP remunerated at 6.1%: a new ceiling of 10,000 euros for this star booklet?

Since February 1, the rate of the People’s Savings Book (LEP) has risen to 6.1%. If it now yields twice as much as the Livret A, its payment ceiling is limited. But how much exactly? This is what we are going to see right away. Don’t worry, Objeko’s editorial staff will tell you everything regarding it. Are you ready ?

What is LEP?

The People’s Savings Account is the star investment at the start of the year. It must be said, that it is the only one, which really makes it possible to counter inflation. But unlike the Livret, A held by more than 80% of the population, the LEP is reserved for people with modest incomes. In particular, it allows its holders to invest their savings. While ensuring that their purchasing power is maintained. As of August 1, the rate of return on books had reached 4.6%.

But following the new calculation, recommended by the Banque de France, the LEP rate is now set at 6.1%. An amount not reached since 1985. Note that this rate is reassessed twice a year, in February and August. A next increase is therefore possible from the summer of 2023. Another notable difference for the LEP: its payment ceiling. Indeed, that of the popular savings book is set at 7,700 euros. Against 22,950 euros once morest the Livret A, almost three times less.

What is the ceiling for this booklet?

In other words, once you have put 7700 euros on the popular savings account, you cannot deposit any more money. On the other hand, you can continue to receive the fruits of your savings there. Clearly, the amount of your LEP can exceed the ceiling, only with the consideration of interest. The question that therefore arises is should this ceiling not be raised? It must be said that the average outstanding amount was 5,600 euros in 2021. This means that many beneficiaries are at the ceiling.

In the words of one economist, now is the time to do it. For him, it would not be at all absurd to raise the LEP ceiling to 10,000 euros. Unfortunately, at Banque de France, we do not think quite the same thing. Questioned by our colleagues from MoneyVox, the governor of the Banque de France explained that his priority was not there. Indeed, he would prefer that the LEP can be opened by as many eligible people as possible, rather than raising the ceiling. And you what do you think ?



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