Leoš Mareš showed a room at the Florida college where his son Jakub will spend four years. Mom Monika takes his departure hard

Leoš Mareš

Foto: Herminapress

Published: 22/08/2024

Jakub Mareš, the son of Monika and Leoš Mareš, left home for good and went on an adventurous ride across the ocean. He made it to Southern University in Florida, which would become his home for the next four years. Proud dad Leoš Mareš flew to “see off” his son to the place. The presenter filmed the historic moments when he and his son first entered the room where he would spend his student life. Jakub’s departure has also been mourned by his mother Monika, who is having a hard time coming to terms with his departure from home. As is known, the speaker’s ex-wife has been living alone since the divorce. A renowned psychologist spoke for ŽivotvČesku.cz about women who often choose a single life, even though their children will soon fly out of the nest.

The last few days were very emotional for the family of Leoš Mareš. The older son Jakub flew off to study in the “big puddle” and will only return home for Christmas and holidays. The presenter shared on the social network »historic moments« when he first entered the room with Jakub, which will become his home for the next four years.


The sad moments associated with Jakub’s departure were mainly experienced by his mother Monika, for whom it will logically be difficult to get used to the fact that one son is gone from home.

She shared her feelings after her son’s departure with her followers on the social network. “I still think that Cuba will come back, that he just went somewhere on vacation,” Monika Marešová projected her thoughts into her »instastories«. A similar scenario will probably await her in a few years, when her younger son Matěj also leaves to study.

The ex-wife of Leoš Mareš has not officially appeared with any man since the breakup with the presenter. The editors of ŽivotvČesku.cz asked psychologist Jeroným Klimeš why divorced mothers often choose a single life, even though their children will soon fly out of the nest.

“Of course there can be more reasons for that. One of them is that most of the care usually falls on the mother. And then any time she would devote to her partner actually steals from the child,” the expert described one of the possible reasons.

“It may also happen that the woman has a need to share her life with someone fully saturated with care for the child. Especially in the case of sons, this leads to infamous mom hotels. The fact that, while men have a higher and higher need for a family with age, also plays a role and that’s not only because they long for a woman to take care of them, for women this need is rather reduced and they cope with the “widow” life. If a new partner fell into their lap from the sky, they wouldn’t fight back, but they also don’t actively look for anyone.” Jeroným Klimeš explained for ŽivotvČesku.cz.


Leoš Mareš with his ex-wife Monika Marešová

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