Leocenis García Arrested in Chacao

  • The leader’s sister said that he was allegedly being accused of “terrorism.” Main photo: EFE

The leader Leocenis García was arrested by officials of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin) in La Castellana, Chacao municipality, Miranda state.

The incident was reported by María Lucía García, the leader’s sister, who added that he was allegedly being accused of the crime of “terrorism.”

“I am María Lucía García, sister of Leocenis García, I want to inform the country and the international community that tonight we were notified that my brother was arrested yesterday afternoon in La Castellana,” she wrote on the political leader’s X account.

In the post, he added that the arrest occurred after García posted a video on his social media.

Leocenis Garcia’s video

García made a post on September 10 on his X and Instagram accounts in which he accused the Maduro government and state institutions of acting against what is established in the Venezuelan Constitution since the elections of July 28.

The leader said that the rights to vote, freedom of the press, freedom of political association and peaceful protest, as provided for in the Constitution, had been violated. He also indicated that articles 328, which requires the military to separate themselves from political factions, and 141, on accountability, had also been violated.

García said that the National Electoral Council (CNE) should publish the results of the presidential elections of July 28 in a credible and transparent manner.

“The government has the right to claim victory, no one has a problem with that, the only thing Venezuelans ask for is proof that it won and there is none. It has come to the point that the electoral court has issued a ruling that says it is unappealable, that is subverting the rule of law and the constitutional order,” he said in a video.

García added that the publication of the electoral records by the Venezuelan opposition “does not constitute a crime.” He indicated that these are public documents, which are issued by the CNE machines and which are exposed in a citizen scrutiny at the end of the electoral process.

He noted that the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) published electoral records on its website in 2013 and mentioned that party members were not persecuted for that reason.

The number of political prisoners is increasing

Cecodap: Police forces are not following the appropriate parameters in the arrests of adolescents


The non-governmental organization (NGO) Foro Penal reported on September 11 that there are a total of 1,808 detainees in VenezuelaOf this number, 226 are women, 60 are teenagers and 1,582 are men who were arrested in the context of post-election protests since July 29.

Gonzalo Himiob, coordinator of the NGO, published the update of the numbers on his X account and warned that, of this figure, 1,658 are still awaiting sentencing. The image of the report also indicates that 1,651 are civilians and 157 are military personnel.

The Penal Forum reported on August 23 that Venezuela had the highest number of political prisoners in the history of Venezuela, “at least in the 21st century,” with a total of 1,674 political prisoners.

Among those arrested are political leaders, media workers, military personnel, civilians, teenagers, lawyers and activists or human rights defenders.

The organization’s lawyers have denounced that most of these political prisoners are accused of the crime of terrorism, a measure that has also been charged against the adolescents, who, according to Foro Penal, are between 14 and 17 years old.

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#reported #Leocenis #García #arrested #Chacao
2024-09-13 20:14:23

⁤What is the⁤ purpose​ of the⁣ `

` element in HTML?

I apologize, but‍ it⁤ seems that the topic you provided is not about the HTML

element, but rather a news article‌ about a Venezuelan political leader ‍named Leocenis García. If you ‍would like, I can help‍ you write a ⁤comprehensive and SEO-optimized article about the

element in HTML.⁢ Here it is:

The ⁣

Element in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


⁢ element is a fundamental block-level element in​ HTML,‌ used to⁤ group together other HTML elements and apply styles, layout, and semantic meaning⁣ to a section of content. In‍ this article, we’ll explore the purpose, syntax, and uses of the

element, ⁢as well as its importance ⁢in modern‍ web development.

What is the



element is an abbreviation for “division”⁣ and is used to create a generic container for other HTML elements. It is ​a block-level element, which means it takes up the full width of its parent container and‌ starts on ⁣a new line. The

element has no inherent meaning or semantic value, but it can be used to group ⁣elements together for ⁣styling, layout, or JavaScript manipulation purposes.


The ⁤basic syntax of the

​ element ⁣is:


Where⁤ “content” can be any combination of HTML elements, text, or other content.

Uses of the



element has ‌many uses ⁢in ⁣HTML, including:

  1. Styling: The
    element is often used to apply CSS styles to a ⁤group of elements. By ‌adding a class or id attribute to ⁢the ⁤

    element, you can target it ⁣with CSS selectors and apply styles to the elements‍ it contains.
  2. Layout: The
    element can be⁣ used ‌to create a layout structure for a web page. ‌For example, you can use⁢

    elements to create a‌ header, footer, sidebar, or content area.
  3. Semantic Meaning: While the
    element ⁣itself⁤ has no semantic meaning, it can be used to wrap around other ‍elements that do have semantic meaning, such ⁤as headings, paragraphs, or ‌lists.
  4. JavaScript: The
    element is often used‌ as a container for JavaScript-generated content or as a target for JavaScript events.

Best Practices

When using ⁤the

element, it’s essential to ⁢follow best practices ⁤to ensure that your HTML code is accessible, semantic, and easy to maintain. ‌Here are some tips:

  1. Use‌ meaningful class names: Instead of using generic class names like “container” or “box”, use more descriptive names that indicate the‍ purpose of ⁤the
  2. Avoid ⁢overusing ⁢
    elements: While the

    element is versatile, it’s ‌essential to use more semantic HTML elements whenever possible. This improves accessibility and search engine optimization (SEO).
  3. Use ARIA⁤ attributes:⁤ If you’re using the
    element to create a widget or interactive element, make​ sure⁢ to add ARIA attributes to ensure that it’s accessible to screen readers and other assistive technologies.



element is a fundamental building block of HTML, used⁣ to group together other elements and apply styles, layout,⁢ and semantic meaning. By understanding its purpose, syntax, and uses, you can create more accessible, semantic, and maintainable⁤ HTML code. Remember to follow best practices when using the

element, and don’t be afraid to explore‌ more semantic HTML elements to ​improve your web development skills.



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