Leo season is here: how to encourage yourself to achieve the unattainable

2023-07-22 18:01:00

Leo is the fifth of the signs of the zodiac, It is a symbol of the strength and vitality of life. With its next season, which begins this July 22se invites each sign to enhance their leadership capacity. In this way, it is the beginning of a period of high vibration, perfect for facing issues of self-improvement with courage and determination.

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Today’s horoscope Saturday July 22, sign by sign

Represented by the leónthis sign It has the Sun as its ruling planet and is ruled by the element of fire., which promises a time full of new adventures and opportunities.

The impact of Leo’s season during his transit

Leo’s energy is conducive to cultivate confidence and self-assurance. During this time an internal force will emerge, willing to conquer territories that seemed unattainable. The invitation for these weeks is work on self-love and fully enjoy of everything that life presents us on a day-to-day basis.

The sun symbolizes the creativity and this season opens an auspicious moment for start new projects. Those born under the sign of Leo, they are passionate regarding existence. His authenticity and youthful spirit reminds us the importance of connecting with our inner child.

During this season an energy will be felt that will compel the individual to control one’s own being, just like a lion guards its territory. It’s time to play without fear of getting dirtyto put aside the superfluous and celebrate life to the fullest.

Leo’s feline spirit connects us with issues of a spiritual nature, inviting us to explore our interior

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