Lemon anti-wrinkle: myth or reality? Anti-aging benefits revealed by Dr. Alexandra Dalu

2024-08-09 16:15:00

Can Lemon Reduce Wrinkles on Face?

Dr. Alexandra Daru, a nutritionist who specializes in morphology and anti-aging medicine, makes it clear: “No, lemons absolutely do not reduce or delay wrinkles. It’s a crazy shortcut to think that a few drops of lemon juice can have a real positive effect on wrinkles. »She continues, “On the other hand, lemon is one of the very good anti-aging foods, just like onions, garlic, shallots, red fruits or apricots. For example, its high antioxidant content can fight against the factors that cause premature aging. free radicals »
To sum up: if lemon has no direct ability to fight wrinkles; regular consumption of it may indeed have anti-aging properties, thus helping to slow down aging and indirectly prevent wrinkles. Use it as a dressing for salads, dilute it with cold or hot water and drink it, or even drizzle it over grilled meat or fish… lemon juice is amazing!

Anti-aging and anti-wrinkle: two benefits that need to be distinguished

Through “anti-aging”, It means an approach (lifestyle, etc.) or a range of products and treatments designed to slow down, prevent or even reverse the effects of aging on the body, especially the skin. “For example, we can cite certain cosmetics that contain active ingredients such as retinol or coenzyme Q10. Regular physical activity and good sleep also help fight premature aging,” says Dr. Dalu.
“Anti-wrinkle” formula Will be more applicable to specified products, techniques or treatments designed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles or fine lines on the skin commonly associated with aging.

What are the real health benefits of lemons in general?

If there is no lemon This citrus fruit isn’t the number one food for limiting and reducing wrinkles Since it contains many other properties, it remains one of the must-haves for regular consumption. Details on some of them:

Rich in Vitamin C: “This vitamin present in lemons will help Fight fatigue and promote skin health by stimulating collagen productionstrengthen the immune system…” explained Dr. Alexandra Dalu. In comparison, “Lemons contain no less than 45 mg/100 g of vitamin C, while pears contain only 4.62 mg/100 g” (Source 1). protect cells Fights the damage caused by free radicals, specifically reducing the risk of chronic disease and heart disease, and even the development of certain cancers.Help digestion : Lemon can also help stimulate bile production, which improves digestion by lowering the acidic pH of the food bolus.weight loss support : The soluble fiber found in lemons, such as pectin, also acts as a natural anti-snacking agent, helping to reduce hunger and promote satiety. Likewise, lemon juice, due to the aroma it emits, becomes a slimming substitute used in cooking in favor of certain other fats, such as margarine or canola oil, which are less interesting in nutritional plans.money launderer : Lemon contains natural whitening agent due to its acidity. Adding a few drops of water in the form of juice can help de-yellow nails. Prevent the formation of kidney stones By increasing urine volume and its pH, it creates a less favorable environment for the formation of these stones.

What adverse effects does lemon have on facial skin?

For those who want to try lemon as a facial rejuvenation treatment despite scientific advice, beware! Because if this citrus fruit is absolutely not dangerous for the skin, Its juice; very acidic; can severely irritate it if used improperly. So you see… It’s not a luxury to seek the advice of a health/beauty professional before starting a job as an apprentice laboratory technician.

So, besides lemon, what else can you do to get rid of deep wrinkles? Is this possible? What amazing products should you use (water, olive oil, honey, etc.)?

Much to the dismay of many women and gentlemen, there is no magic product that can eliminate and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. However, it will be useful to remember Certain life principles can play a fundamental role in slowing down aging. Start with food. “Based on the current recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Cretan diet should be based as much as possible,” defends Dr. Alexandra Dalu. “For fruits and vegetables, we prefer fresh ones and choose Best and most colorful Because of its high antioxidant content (spinach, peppers, herbs, etc.). » Also like foods rich in omega 3 (flaxseed oil, small oily fish, seasonal avocados, etc.) and foods rich in zinc, which is also very useful for preventing skin aging (beans, salads, Brazil nuts), and Bitter foods: (artichokes, dandelions, artichokes, etc.). These will promote the normal functioning of the liver. Don’t forget products that contain vitamin E, such as chia seeds, wheat germ oil or nuts. “Vitamin E will help heal and protect the skin from UV damage and prevent skin aging”, praises naturopath Angèle Ferreux Maeght in a podcast dedicated to the topic (source 2): “Strengthening the skin through diet”. On a more beautiful note, the chef at Guinguette d’Angèle in Paris suggests practicing Self-massage and/or facial yoga “To maintain a certain tone in the muscles of the face. The skin needs to be treated gently to protect its microbiome. »

Dr. Alexandra Daru reminds that by continuing these tips, you can ensure your skin ages well. Other basics, such as “limit sugar intake, Make sure you get a good night’s sleep, take care of your home and be especially careful not to light scented candles as they release solvents, we will never repeat this: do exercise every day ! » The expert in morphology and anti-aging medicine adds: “You can also perfect your natural beauty with peels that stimulate cell renewal; hyaluronic acid injections nourish the skin and fill in fine lines and deep wrinkles. Injections of vitamins and Growth factors are also ideal for limiting the damage caused to the skin over time » Many other cosmetic, paramedical and medical aesthetic techniques are now available in many centers dedicated to anti-aging medicine.

After a certain age, it becomes more difficult to slow down the consequences of aging associated with certain excesses or bad lifestyle habits, such as exposure to the most prevalent toxic substances, tobacco and alcohol, in addition to external pollution. Alexandra Dalu, nutritionist.

Let us rest assured when it comes to sports: Take a simple walk with your pet Or take the stairs instead of the elevator, stimulate antioxidants through ventilation and physical training (recommendations obviously apply to healthy people), which will be “golden weight”. at last, Drinking water is vital : “Biotechnology now uses water as an ionophore to deeply recharge metabolism through Sublio* skin rejuvenation technology,” says Dr. Alexandra Dalu.

So what you have to remember is: If it is impossible not to age (and not to die), and this is good news in itself (aging well), then the appearance of the first signs of aging will depend on innate parameters, such as genetics. On the other hand, it is possible for everyone to take action based on epigenetics (Editor’s note: the study that corresponds to changes in gene activity) to slow down the aging process, thanks in part to the suggestions above. Therefore, it is appropriate to consider (or not consider) a countdown that slows down the passage of time.

#Lemon #antiwrinkle #myth #reality #Antiaging #benefits #revealed #Alexandra #Dalu



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