Lega, assault on Naples and Livorno to shut the mouths of Vannacci and Salvini –

Christian Campigli

Democracy, for the Italian left, resembles Christmas decorations, those that emit intermittent lights. Decorations that are on one moment and off the next. Even freedom of speech, for professional know-it-alls, must be carefully measured and granted only to those who they deem worthy of this privilege. Obviously, it is banal to point out that anyone who thinks differently from the tax party, the radical chic no borders and the friends of Hamas must be boycotted. Without ifs and buts. The latest example of an endless list of dem-style ostracisms is that reserved for General Roberto Vannacci, the League’s candidate for the European elections. Matteo Salvini has identified his winning horse in the military. And so, a simple presentation of a book was transformed, for the umpteenth time, into rustic chivalry. A meeting should have been held in Cremona to chat and discuss (as civilized people do) regarding Vannacci’s new literary effort, “Il Coraggio Vince”. Availability had been confirmed by the Teatrodanza auditorium, everything seemed to be ready, but less than a day before the chosen date the appointment was cancelled. For security reasons”. An assessment that did not at all convince the candidate in the next European elections, which he commented with evident acrimony. “This is the democracy of anti-fascists.” If the roles were reversed, the carousels and sermons would have already started for what, to all intents and purposes, is a hateful gag. But it’s not enough.

Vannacci distorted and exploited, Orsini's defense displaces Berlinguer

Even in Naples the left has shown little respect for other people’s ideas. About twenty activists lined up in Piazza Plebiscito to demonstrate once morest those who allowed “Vannacci and his supporters to calmly expose their racist, misogynistic, homolesbian, transphobic and ableist ideas”. Banners were also displayed with the words “Vannacci Napoli doesn’t want you, get over it”. The police were forced to guard the stretch of road where the book presentation was held. In a short time the tension became unbearable and scuffles broke out. The demonstrators attempted to force the cordon of men in uniform and there was a lightening charge. Not satisfied, the flashing lights Democrats also threw water balloons at the police.

“Left-wing press and Europe”.  Salvini invokes the

Later, a similar script was also staged in Livorno, where Salvini presented his book “Controvento”. A few hundred people, who marched under the acronym Azione Livorno antifascista, tried to prevent free debate in the Quattro Mori theatre. Here tomatoes and eggs were thrown at the mobile police units protecting the entrance. «As usual, unfortunately, we must record and strongly stigmatize acts deliberately contrary to the League, in particular the vandalizing of Susanna Ceccardi’s posters in Rosignano and the demonstration in Livorno to contest the presentation of Matteo Salvini’s book».

Salvini-Vannacci, Controvento couple ready to change Europe

#Lega #assault #Naples #Livorno #shut #mouths #Vannacci #Salvini #Tempo
2024-05-03 07:34:11



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