Thiruvananthapuram: The management has suspended the leader of the left organization who went on strike in violation of the ban in KSEB. Officers’ Association state president MG Suresh Kumar has been suspended. Suresh Kumar was a staff member of former ministers MM Mani and AK Balan.
The action was taken once morest Suresh Kumar following a protest once morest the chairman at the board headquarters yesterday over the rejection of Dyson’s order in protest of the suspension of the executive engineer. Suresh Kumar has been suspended for violating the service rules.
At the same time, Suresh Kumar told the media that the action was politically motivated and that the board chairman was retaliating for the strike. The unilateral action of the Chairman will not be accepted. He said further action would be taken in consultation with the organization.
The officers’ association protested in front of the board headquarters in protest of the management’s action in suspending the state president of the organization. Protests are also taking place at KSEB offices in various parts of the state.