Left Side Abdominal Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and When to See a Doctor

2023-10-08 07:24:00


Stomach ache, don’t ignore it!! If you frequently have stomach pain in the same spot It may be a sign that there is an abnormality in the abdominal organs. Each location of abdominal pain It shows the risk of different diseases. which the pain in the left side of the abdomen There are many warning signs of disease when there are symptoms of abnormalities in the body. You should see a doctor immediately. Don’t leave it alone. Because sitting can be a serious disease.

Inside the abdominal cavity full of many organs When an abnormality occurs It often shows pain. which are at risk of contracting various diseases. ‘Krungthep Turakij’ invites you to check for preliminary signs. Abdominal pain on the left side What are the risks?

Dr. Jarin Rojbawornwittaya Gastrointestinal and liver internal medicine Medpark Hospital Explain that stomach pain It can be classified into many different forms. Sometimes the pain is specific. Pain only in one area, especially pain on the left side of the abdomen. One of the top searched symptoms on the internet has been shown to be quite common. Some causes may be from minor illnesses, while others may be from more serious diseases or abnormalities. So you shouldn’t be complacent.

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Get to know the left side of your stomach. What’s there?

To understand Left side abdominal pain First of all, you must know that the area What organs are there in the left side of the stomach? So that we can tell roughly what the pain is. It may come from an abnormality of the said organ. The organs located on the left side of the abdomen are divided into

The upper left side of the abdomen has the stomach, pancreas, spleen, kidney (left side). The lower left side of the abdomen has the ovary (left side), ureter, uterus, small intestine, and large intestine.

It can be seen that there are quite a lot of internal organs on the left side. When we have pain So there are many possibilities. that causes pain in that point, see a doctor to receive a detailed diagnosis from a medical expert Therefore it is necessary

What are the causes of pain in the left side of the abdomen?

Normally, abdominal pain comes from three main common causes: digestive system disorders infectious inflammation and conditions related to the female reproductive system For abdominal pain on the left side It may be caused by the following abnormalities.

Digestive system

When stomach pain corresponds to eating food It may be assumed that It is caused by indigestion. Excess acid in the stomach, constipation, diarrhea, food allergies or food poisoning.

inflammation, infection

Irritation or infection of internal organs It can also lead to abdominal pain, such as viral gastroenteritis or urinary tract infection and colon wall disease. (diverticulitis)

female reproductive system

It is pain that may occur from the functioning of the female reproductive system, such as menstrual cramps. or pain during ovulation (Ovulation pain)

General symptoms above It is a symptom that is often found. It hasn’t reached a serious level yet. Can relieve symptoms or cure them in a short period of time.

When you have these symptoms, you should see a doctor.

Left side abdominal pain There may be a cause that is more serious than the general symptoms. and need to receive serious treatment as follows

pancreatitis (Pancreatitis)

Abdominal pain spreading to the back And symptoms get worse when lying down, coughing, exercising, or eating too much.

Pancreatic cancer

Abdominal pain along with fatigue, eating little, weight loss, dark urine. Passing pale stools

Enlarged spleen (Splenomegaly)

Pain, pain, and discomfort on the left side of the abdomen Feeling full faster than usual

Inflammatory stomach disease (Gastritis)

Pain, prickling, discomfort in the upper abdomen. Stomach pain before or following eating

Stomach cancer

Similar to gastritis symptoms Depends on the stage of the disease

Kidney infection (Kidney infection)

Abdominal and side pain, frequent urination, burning sensation while urinating.

Kidney stones

Stomach pain or back pain on one side It may spread to the groin area. Periodically feel pain and squeeze

Colon diverticulitis is an inflamed colon. (diverticulitis)

Mostly, the pain is in the lower left side of the abdomen.

Endometriosis (Endometriosis)

Pain in the lower abdomen in the pelvic area

Ovarian cysts rupture

Abdominal pain, lower back pain severe menstrual pain Pain when having sex

Ectopic pregnancy

Most occur in the fallopian tubes or ovaries.

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Abdominal pain in the pelvic area, abnormal vaginal discharge, may be accompanied by fever.

Ovarian cancer

Abdominal pain, feeling uncomfortable in the abdomen, bloating, indigestion, feeling a lump.

Pain in the upper left side of the abdomen The following risks arise:

Ischemic heart disease pericarditis GERD irritable bowel syndrome Acute or chronic pancreatitis, enlarged spleen

Lower left abdominal pain

Diverticulitis, hernia, shingles, indigestion, but if pain in this area in women May be at risk for endometriosis Ovarian cyst Pelvic infection, etc.

For anyone who often has pain in their left side of their stomach on a regular basis. You should undergo a diagnosis by a medical professional. To detect the cause of abdominal pain and treat properly according to symptoms

What kind of abdominal pain should you see your doctor immediately?

The pain lasts more than 6 hours and does not subside. The pain was so great that I mightn’t eat food. Abdominal pain and vomiting more than 3-4 times. Abdominal pain that worsens when moving. Abdominal pain in the right lower abdomen. severe stomach pain Until I can’t sleep Abdominal pain with vaginal bleeding Abdominal pain and fever are also present. Abdominal pain with shortness of breath Abdominal pain accompanied by dizziness, fainting, loss of consciousness, abdominal pain radiating to the back.

Take care of basic symptoms Before going to the doctor

However, if you have ‘left abdominal pain’ and are not sure what the cause is, Can provide initial care before traveling to the doctor. to make a diagnosis

Avoid foods that are high in fat, such as fried foods that require oil. lean meat Spicy food Eating food must be divided into moderation each time. Don’t eat until you’re too full. Chew thoroughly before swallowing. Do not rush. Eat slowly. Do not eat regarding 2 hours before going to bed. Do not drink alcohol. or beverages that contain caffeine as an ingredient, such as coffee, tea, oleagin, chocolate, cocoa, and various carbonated soft drinks. Important: You should immediately travel to see a doctor for examination and treatment of symptoms.

refer: Medpark Hospital , Chularat 11 International Hospital

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