“Lee Ki-young bit off the hand of a drunk cop while in the military and fled”

Lee Ki-young (31), who killed the taxi driver and abandoned the body, is said to have been sentenced to prison 10 years ago by the Army General Military Court for drunk driving, violation of the Road Traffic Act, and special obstruction of justice.

According to News 1 on the 30th, Lee Ki-young was caught by the police in 2013 while driving while working at an army unit in the border area. He says he tried to flee the police and was arrested.

Due to this, he was handed over to the military prosecutor and indicted at the ordinary military court, and in October of the same year, he was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison and was reportedly imprisoned in an army prison.

One netizen posted a post in the form of a comment on an internet community, saying, “My friend’s house has a lot of money and he boasts that he is staying in Paju, but he suddenly applied for a professional sergeant (term noncommissioned officer), and while he was a sergeant, he was caught by the police who cracked down on drunk driving. He was caught biting off and running away, and served time in a military prison. He also claimed that there was such an accident while serving in the military in Yeoncheon.”

In addition, Lee Ki-young received a suspended sentence for committing drunk driving in 2018, and was caught on the same charge in November 2019 and sentenced to one year in prison at the appeals court, the media reported.

The repeat offender period is three years after being released from prison, but this year he had another drunk driving accident. After drinking alcohol in Goyang City on the 20th, Lee Ki-young caused a car accident with a taxi driver while driving her car despite her girlfriend’s refusal to drive drunk.

Then, he lured the taxi driver to his house in Paju, saying, “I will give you the settlement money and repair costs,” and killed him with a blunt weapon and hid the body in a closet. Prior to this, Lee Ki-young was accused of killing a woman in her 50s who was the owner of the house in Paju, where she was murdered, and her cohabitant, with a blunt weapon, and abandoned the body in the natural environment.

Reporter Park Tae-geun, Donga.com ptk@donga.com

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