Lecture on inheritance law with lawyer Sidney Eibes – Wochenspiegel

The lecture focuses on three main topics. The central question is: who inherits when someone dies? The simple answer is: it depends on whether or not the testator made a will in the event of his death. Starting with the most common case of no will, the legal succession will be explained. Then it will be explained what the will is for, how it is effectively drawn up and what types there are. Finally, it will be discussed how disinheritance affects the inheritance or the legal right to a statutory share.

Fee: 5,00 €

Lecturer: Sidney Eibes

Registration required via

vhs.spiesen-elversberg@kvhs-neunkirchen.de, kvhs@landkreis-neunkirchen.de or by phone 06821/790775 and 06824/906 4121.



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